samedi 28 septembre 2019

Trump Suggests Whistleblower Should Get Death Sentence for Treason

HEADLINESEP 27, 2019  source : democracy now
H3 trump whistleblower death sentence treason
President Trump lashed out Thursday over the growing scandal, calling reporters “scum” and “animals” and comparing the whistleblower to a treasonous spy who deserved the death penalty. Trump made the remarks to a closed-door gathering of diplomats on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Audio of his remarks was leaked to the Los Angeles Times.
President Donald Trump: “Who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy. You know what we used to do in the old days, when we were smart, right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”
After headlines, we’ll speak with national security correspondent James Risen of The Intercept about the growing scandal.

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