lundi 31 juillet 2023

L'Échelle de Jacob: Les banquiers centraux prévoient des implants moné...

L'Échelle de Jacob: Les banquiers centraux prévoient des implants moné...

(Bon dites-moi, quelle banque centrale sur la planète appartient encore à l'état ? Il y a la banque de France, la banque centrale européenne qui appartient aux banques centrales des pays fondateurs, la banque d'Angleterre et après, ,je ne saurais vous dire. Mais, car il y a un mais, prenons la banque de France, la majorité des membres de son conseil d'administration viennent du secteur privé, l'état n'étant représenté que par deux fonctionnaires. Elle appartient donc à l'état et est piloté par le secteur privé  bancaire, ni vu, ni connu, je t'embrouille. note de rené)

 La mégère climatique

Nord de la France, région Picardie

8 heures 39, 18°C, ciel bleu plein de gros nuages gris et blancs qui font la course, un bon gros vent à éolienne, pas de chemtrails, toujours 20°C dans la maison, mais l'humidité commence à gagner. La particularité de ce temps est qu'il change très vite, là, j'ai même pas commencé à commenter que le rayon de soleil est partie et la lumière passe au sombre. C'est peut-être parti comme hier, il a plu toute la fin de l'après-midi. 

11 heures 50, 25°C, le vrai ciel est revenu avec du bleu entre les gros nuages, le soleil fait des percées et aussitôt disparaît. Un bon vent à éoliennes s'est levé. La température est montée à 21°C à l'intérieur de la maison. Je rappelle que cet hiver, les compteurs électriques intelligents et les thermostats intelligents imposeront une température de 19°C dans les logements. Les appareils deviennent intelligents ce qui implique que nous, nous restons cons. Pas de chemtrail en vue. 

16 heures 31, 22°C, après midi pas mal ensoleillé, vent à éolienne, gros nuages blancs dans le vrai ciel bleu, nuages à pluie à l'horizon arrivant tout droit. Bof, au moins, il y a eu du soleil. J'en ai profité pour mettre du linge à sécher dehors, j'espère que la pluie va attendre qu'il sèche. 

19 heures 10, 21°C, ciel bleu nuageux, le soleil a brillé presque toute l'après-midi malgré les gros nuages. A un moment, vers 17 heures, trois gouttes sont tombées, j'ai rentré mon linge, trois minutes après le soleil est revenu, j'ai sorti mon linge et 25 minutes après le soleil est parti, j'ai rentré mon linge. Et il est revenu, alors, la méchanceté m'est montée au cerveau, je suis sorti, je me suis debout face à lui, le fixant tout droit dans son oeil unique et je lui ai fait un doigt d'honneur et ce crétin continue de briller jusqu'à maintenant. A part cela, j'ai donné quelques coups de pioche, histoire de et cette fois-ci la terre est mouillée en profondeur après des nuits et des jours de pluie. Petit vent à éolienne, vent qui a soufflé toute la journée. 

Summer Operations | Modernization Of Weapons Based On The SMO Experience...

Deretan Kendaraan Lapis Baja Ukraina Hancur dan Berhamburan di Wilayah O...

Lancement de la Web-TV "Anthropo-logiques" (France)

Annonce : 4.1 Covid non-censuré : des injections géniques expérimentales ?!

Ne surtout pas passer son dimanche en Thailande ici!

Myriam Palomba : « Arrêtez de parler de démocratie, on n'est pas en démo... (France)

Rekaman Kompilasi Kerja Drone Angkatan Bersenjata Rusia, Ukraina Rugi To...

FACES OF KENSINGTON (Zombies in the real life of the United States) Stre... (C'est ça l'Amérique que vous admirez tant; les enfants de la mondialisation heureuse. note de rené)

La revue de presse du lundi 31 juillet, avec Alexis Poulin (Nouvelles de France)

Viral! Lautan Peralatan Militer Ukraina Terbakar di Robotino, Imbas Sera...

Sexe et pornographie dans les livres scolaires : scandale dans les école... (France)


LUNDI 31 JUILLET 2023  la vie hospitalière

Pourquoi l'Ordre des médecins semble protèger les agresseurs ?

 Pourquoi l'ordre des médecins protège les agresseurs et condamne ceux qui les signalent ?

Témoignage du Dr Eugénie Izard condamnée en janvier 2023 à 3 mois d'interdiction d’exercice de la médecine pour avoir signalé un père médecin de " maltraitances " sur sa fille de 8 ans selon elle


En 2015, la pédopsychiatre toulousaine avait déjà été interdite d’exercice pendant trois mois, pour avoir signalé cette fois-ci des suspicions de maltraitances au procureur de la République et au juge des enfants.

Une sanction pour "immixtion dans les affaires de famille", prononcée par l’Ordre des médecins en décembre 2020 et annulée par le Conseil d’État en mai 2022. ( Association Reppea 2021)



 (Comme le vide spatial, un océan de sons. note de rené)

Selon une étude, le silence est un son à part entière

Ce que l’on nomme le « son du silence » est présent en philosophie, dans la culture pop et sur Internet.

Toutefois, la perception du silence est-elle la même que celle d’un bruit ?

Une perception similaire

Une rue déserte en pleine nuit, un blanc dans une conversation ou encore l’instant suivant la fin d’une musique… les situations de silence ne manquent pas au quotidien. Parfois, le silence est d’or et certaines personnes le demandent, comme en témoigne la commercialisation de Muzo en 2016, un dispositif promettant une « bulle de silence » à son utilisateur. Autrement dit, l’appareil bloque les sons environnants.

Et si l’absence de parole, de bruits ou autre n’était pas seulement le fait d’une absence d’ondes ? Le « son du silence » est une question philosophique ayant donné naissance à la célèbre chanson The Sound of Silence du duo de folk rock Simon & Garfunkel en 1964. Aujourd’hui, sur Internet, cette chanson inspire les créateurs de contenu, principalement pour illustrer une situation d’incompréhension ou de solitude. Par ailleurs, ce son représente également un sujet intéressant en psychologie. Des chercheurs de l’Université Johns Hopkins (États-Unis) ont publié une étude dans la PNAS le 10 juillet 2023. L’objectif ? Montrer que les personnes perçoivent les silences de la même manière que les sons.

Le silence, une « expérience réelle »

Dans le cadre de ces travaux, les chercheurs ont utilisé une série d’illusions sonores. Deux échantillons ont été proposés aux volontaires. Le premier était un son long et le second contenait deux sons plus courts mis bout à bout. Dans les deux cas, la durée était similaire, mais les volontaires ont eu l’impression que le son unique était plus long. L’opération a ensuite été répétée avec des bruits de la vie de tous les jours, notamment des ambiances de restaurant, de marchés ou encore de transports. Durant chaque test, les participants ont pensé que les sons uniques étaient plus longs que deux sons plus courts placés l’un après l’autre. Selon les scientifiques, cela signifie que le silence est perçu comme un son à part entière.

Les chercheurs n’ont pas encore étudié la façon dont le cerveau réagissait au silence. Toutefois, une hypothèse a bien été formulée. Elle laisse supposer que certains neurones et processus neuronaux jouent un rôle dans sa perception. En attendant, les scientifiques pensent que ces recherches suffisent pour affirmer que le silence est une « expérience réelle ».

Lire aussi : Les cauchemars peuvent être réduits au silence par un simple accord de piano, selon des scientifiques

Source : Sciencepost

 (Qui regarde encore cette chaîne de bouffons, mieux vaut regarde al jazeera, au moins, il y a de l'information. note de rené)

CNN Still Pushing COVID Fear In 2023

Tyler Durden's Photo
BY TYLER DURDEN    Business Bourse
MONDAY, JUL 31, 2023 - 01:30 AM

Authored by Ben Bartee via,

Imagine being so soulless as to be a CNN editor still pushing COVID fear in this, the Year of Our Lord 2023.

Imagine being gullible enough, as a non-ironic consumer of corporate state media, to take it all in.

Via CNN (emphasis added):

It’s time to stock up on tissues, bingeable TV options and Covid-19 tests. Yes, many signs are pointing to a Covid-19 summer surge – although one that’s far less intense than what emerged the past few summers.

Experts say they do not expect that cases will be severe or that the uptick will be prolonged, and there are early signs from wastewater data that this wavelet may already be leveling out.

Experts say” lots of things: that masks don’t work and then they magically do; that COVID injections stop transmission; that something called “herd immunity” is going to end the spread of a virus that constantly mutates; etc.

If we’re keeping score, the “conspiracy theorists” have outperformed the “experts” in every way possible since the start of the pandemic. I put more stock in what my trusted colleague on Substack, with no institutional support and no budget for research, has to say about COVID than CNN.

Continuing via CNN:

But data posted this week by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that many Covid-19 indicators, including hospital admissions, emergency department visits and test positivity, are once again on the rise.

Independent commercial laboratories are also noting the increase.

“When we look at our data, we have noticed that since late June to the beginning of July and probably through now, there has been a mild uptick in cases and these are based on samples sourced from pharmacy-based testing and also from health system-based testing,” said Shishi Luo, associate director of bioinformatics at Helix, a gene sequencing company which has been assisting the CDC with tracking the gene changes of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19…

As testing data has become more limited, wastewater surveillance can offer a more consistent view of transmission trends over timeData from Biobot Analytics, a biotechnology firm that has partnered with the CDC, shows that the concentration of coronavirus particles in sewage samples is about a third of what it was at this time last year.

Here’s the thing, Jack: if COVID-19 is so like a common cold as to be indistinguishable in terms of symptoms, and therefore the only way to confirm whether there’s a “surge” in cases is through testing the wastewater, what’s the point of all of this fearmongering? No one ever reports on a rise in common colds among the population because it’s irrelevant to the vast majority of people with decent immune systems. Then again, Pfizer doesn’t have any injections to sell that ostensibly inoculate against a common cold.

 (Virée pour avoir jouer à la lanceuse d'alerte sur les ijjections anti-covid. Surtouut qu'ils annoncent, l'Oms/bill gates la prochaine pandémie à venir sans doute cet automne. Alors, soit, c'est la guerre civile, soit on se couche pour mourir. note de rené)

Pediatrician Fired After Raising Alarm On COVID Vaccines During US Senate Event

Tyler Durden's Photo
BY TYLER DURDEN  zerohedge
MONDAY, JUL 31, 2023 - 03:30 AM

Authored by Zachary Stieber and Jan Jekielek via The Epoch Times,

A medical expert was terminated by one of her employers after raising concerns about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines during an event held by a U.S. senator, according to newly disclosed documents.

Dr. Renata Moon, a pediatrician, poses for a picture in Washington on July 28, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

After Dr. Renata Moon (who will appear on "American Thought Leaders" premiering Mon. Aug. 30, 7:30pm ET) testified during the December 2022 event on Capitol Hill, Washington State University officials told her that they were alerting a state medical commission because she allegedly promoted misinformation, one of the documents shows.

The Washington Medical Commission (WMC) has said that doctors who offer misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines, treatments, and preventative measures "erode the public trust in the medical profession and endanger patients," that people should lodge complaints against doctors who allegedly provide misinformation, and that it may revoke the licenses of doctors who are found to have spread misinformation.

Drs. Jeff Haney and James Record, Washington State University officials, referenced the commission in a letter to Dr. Moon dated March 3, 2023.

"The WMC has asked the public and practitioners to report possible spread of misinformation. There are components of your presentation that could be interpreted as a possible spread," they wrote. "As such, we are ethically obligated to make a report to the WMC to investigate possible breach of this expectation."

The university informed Dr. Moon in June 2023 that it was effectively firing her by not renewing her appointment as a clinical associate professor of medicine, according to other documents reviewed by The Epoch Times.

"At this time, the needs of the college are moving in a different direction and your participation is no longer required," Drs. Haney and Record wrote.

More detailed reasoning was not provided.

"This is not about my personal situation with the school. This is about freedom of speech for all Americans," Dr. Moon told The Epoch Times in an email.

"We must create an ethical healthcare system that is concerned only with the well being of individual patients and not the financial interests of massive corporations. We are dealing with conflicts of interest that are larger than any of us ever imagined."


Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) convened Dr. Moon and other experts, including Drs. Peter McCullough and Robert Malone, to talk about COVID-19 vaccines. The event was titled, "COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries."

Dr. Moon testified that she had only seen two or three cases of myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation, while practicing for more than 20 years. But after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, she said, she has been seeing more cases, and heard about others from fellow doctors.

"There's clearly been a massive increase," Dr. Moon said.

Dr. Moon also pulled out the package insert for the vaccines, or a piece of paper that typically outlines warnings, ingredients, and other information for a vaccine. The insert for the COVID-19 vaccines has no information and says, "intentionally blank," the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has acknowledged.

"How am I to give informed consent to parents when this is what I have?" Dr. Moon said.

Regulators say people can access the information that is usually on the paper on the administration's website. One of the vaccine manufacturers has said that the COVID-19 vaccine inserts were left blank because the information was being updated during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I have a government telling me that I have to say 'safe and effective' and if I don't, my license is at threat. We're seeing an uptick in myocarditis. We're seeing an uptick in adverse reactions. We have trusted these regulatory agencies—I have—for my entire career up until now," Dr. Moon testified.

"Something is extremely wrong, and that is the anecdotal story that I have."

Myocarditis is caused by the COVID-19 vaccines, U.S. officials have confirmed. The heart inflammation primarily affects younger males and can cause death.

"It's my obligation to speak out. It's the obligation of any physician who thinks that there is a problem with a product to speak about that product, whether, honestly, whether they're right or wrong," Dr. Moon said on EpochTV's "ATL: Now."

"And in this case, everything I said was completely factual."

Other Concerns

Drs. Haney and Record claimed Dr. Moon failed to request and report an absence in order to travel to Washington and testify on the panel, which would violate faculty rules.

They also said that Dr. Moon did not make clear she was not speaking on behalf of Washington State University, another possible rule violation, and that other parts of the roundtable were "inconsistent with expectations of the evidence-based medical education expected in developing a future generation of physicians."

They added, "The expressed views will require us to review your teaching assignments in the frame of the education of our students."

Emails reviewed by The Epoch Times show Dr. Moon did not list the university in a bio she provided Mr. Johnson's office. The bio stated that her views were her own and that she was not speaking on behalf of any institutions with which she has or is affiliated.

Mr. Johnson, in introducing Dr. Moon, did not mention any institution but also did not mention the latter part of the bio.

Dr. Moon's placard did not list an institution. One of the video streams of the panel listed Washington State University. A university investigator noted that in one email.

"I was unaware of this happening and did everything in my power to prevent it by sending the press release and making sure not to mention the name of any employer either with my words or on the cardboard placard in front of me," Dr. Moon told The Epoch Times.

According to other emails, Dr. Moon requested substitutes for Dec. 6, 2021, and Dec. 8, 2021, the days before and after the panel. She was not scheduled to teach on the day of the panel. University employees responded to the messages by saying they were looking for or had found substitutes, and the university investigator confirmed that substitutes were ultimately found for both days.

"I did it the way we've always done it. My senior physicians approved it; we had substitutes for my classes," Dr. Moon told The Epoch Times.

A university spokesman declined to comment on the situation.

"As a matter of policy WSU does not comment on personnel matters," the spokesman told The Epoch Times via email.

It's unclear if the university ultimately referred Dr. Moon to the medical commission. Dr. Moon is part of a lawsuit against the commission for enforcing its misinformation statement without proper adoption. She says the threat of having her license revoked caused her to not renew her license and has impacted her constitutional right to free speech.


Dr. Moon said she's concerned about medical schools no longer serving as venues for discussion and critical thinking.

She recalled being called into the office of a superior over student complaints. She learned that the students complained about Dr. Moon noting correctly that some information about the COVID-19 vaccines was unknown, such as where in the body the ingredients were distributed and whether they would cause certain health problems.

"I just engaged in some critical thinking with my students. I thought it was something that we're supposed to do in discussion groups, and they had asked me, right?" Dr. Moon said.

"They said that I had caused them trauma and harm by telling them that the vaccines might not be 100 percent safe. Again, these are medical students. This is a medical school. Nothing is 100 percent safe, not even aspirin is 100 percent safe. Everything has the potential for a reaction. So to have that be a complaint against me really surprised me and it really concerned me."

Another complaint related to how Dr. Moon, after students asked how her week in the clinic had gone, relayed how she had seen anxious and depressed children.

Dr. Moon attributed the problems to the harsh lockdowns imposed in Washington state, like much of the country, and questioned why those policies were put into place when children face little risk from COVID-19.

"I just said to my students, I think we need to rethink this masking that we're doing and the social distancing and isolating, I wonder if CDC has considered that we need to think about isolating our more vulnerable in our communities and keeping them more safe and keeping them at home but letting our kids go out there," Dr. Moon said, referring to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"My students again stated that they were traumatized and harmed by that discussion, in a discussion group in a graduate-level medical school," Dr. Moon said. "This is happening nationwide. Our students have lost that ability, I think, to tolerate critical thinking, and to hear perspectives that are different than the main narrative or the main party line that is being pushed."

 (Si les américains, wall street, la city de Londres continuent de nous mener vers une guerre totale, autant ne plus prendre de gants et y aller franco. Un peu plus tard ou un pe plus tôt, quelle importance. note de rené)

Russia 'Ready' For Clash With US Over Syrian Skies, Putin Says

Tyler Durden's Photo
BY TYLER DURDE    zerohedgeN
MONDAY, JUL 31, 2023 - 04:00 AM

President Putin in a Saturday statement given to the press significantly ramped up his rhetoric regarding a potential clash with the United States over Syria.

TASS media quoted him as saying that "Russia is ready for any scenario" if it comes to that, but still "does not want a direct military clash with the US." 

This summer has seen a series of near-miss incidents between Russian fighter jets and American MQ-9 Reaper drones. In two incidents this month, the US drones were actually damaged from the encounters, which has reportedly involved the Russian warplanes shooting flares or else possibly dumping fuel. 

The US drones can be damaged by these flares, which according to the Pentagon has happened. When asked about this, Putin stressed in the new comments that "we are always ready for any scenario, but no one wants this."

"On an American initiative, we once created a special mechanism to prevent these conflicts; we have department heads that communicate directly with each other, and consult on any crisis situation," he said of a military-to-military contact hotline intended to avoid inadvertent clash. "This shows that no one wants clashes.”

Both sides have blamed the other for 'unsafe' and 'irresponsible' aerial operations over Syria. Russia's RT has tallied the following, from Moscow's perspective:

The Russian military has reported a total of 23 dangerous incidents involving its aircraft and those of the US-led coalition since early 2023, said Admiral Oleg Gurinov, the head of the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria. Most incidents took place in July, he added. 

In 11 cases, Russian pilots recorded being targeted by Western weapon systems. Such provocations by the US-led coalition led to the automatic engagement of onboard defense systems which released decoy flares, the admiral told journalists.

Just last week, a US Reaper drone was said to be "severely damaged" after a high-risk intercept by a Russian Su-35 fighter. 

These near-misses over Syrian skies also come amid the backdrop of the Ukraine war, where the nuclear-armed superpower rivals keep inching toward potential direct conflict. Russian media has framed Putin's new comments as also a warning directed against NATO broadly, in the contexts of both Syria and Ukraine.

Previously, we've pointed out that In Syria, successive US administrations going back to Obama have justified any and all US military actions as based on "countering ISIS" - even though at this point the Islamic State has long been driven underground and was defeated. Russia and Syria have charged that the US really just wants to steal Syria's oil and gas resources, as part of the continued economic war against Damascus.

Days ago, The Wall Street Journal appeared to agree with this assessment, in a rare and surprise admission...

Where are the terrorists vs. where is the American troop occupation located? WSJ belatedly concedes the following...

"The U.S. still has about 900 troops in Syria that are assisting a local partner, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, in combating the remnants of Islamic State," the report acknowledges. "But those U.S. troops are operating in the east, far from the northwest enclave where suspected Islamic State and al Qaeda leaders have been operating." 

This mainstream media admission concerning jihadist-infested Idlib province in Syria's northwest, while good, comes many years late, as is typical of belatedly acknowledged inconvenient truths.

 (Ok, mais la fée électricité n'est pas inépuisable, plus les chinois augmentent la demande pour ressembler à une jolie vitrine de la technologie triomphante, plus ils doivent faire marcher les centrales à charbon. note de rené)

China Leads The Way In Electrifying The Road

Tyler Durden's Photo
BY TYLER DURDEN    zerohedge
MONDAY, JUL 31, 2023 - 05:00 AM

Over the last ten years, China has become the global battery electric vehicle (BEV) forerunner, increasing its annual sales of fully-electric cars from roughly 10,000 in 2012 to 4.4 million in 2022.

As Statista's Florian Zandt shows in the chart below, based on data from the Global EV Data Explorer maintained by the International Energy Agency, three out of the five countries with the most BEVs sold last year have been part of the top 5 ever since e-mobility turned from a marketing buzzword to a tangible effort towards reducing CO2 production in transport.

Infographic: China Leads the Way in Electrifying the Road | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

Apart from China, which jumped from third place in terms of BEV sales in 2012 to the uncontested number one spot in 2017, the United States and France have also been at the forefront of electrifying their passenger car fleets.

Since 2017, Germany has also become a serious contender in this area, registering around half a million new fully-electric cars in 2022.

When it comes to growth, China again can't be beaten, increasing its annual sales by 44,000 percent from 2012 to 2022.

This drive towards electric mobility coincides with the People's Republic's efforts in the energy sector.

The country is expected to reach its goals in energy production via wind and solar five years earlier than planned and will produce 1,200 gigawatts through the aforementioned renewables by 2025 according to media reportsRenewable energy made up 45 percent of China's total energy capacity in 2022, up from 26 percent in 2011.

With a buzzworthy topic like e-mobility, it helps to put the numbers in perspective though.

Last year, total sales of passenger cars in China amounted to 23.6 million, which means only about 19 percent of new cars were BEVs. However, the second biggest market for BEVs fares far worse.

In the U.S., 13.8 million light vehicles, which include the most popular segment for U.S. car buyers, light trucks, were sold, of which 800,000 or roughly six percent were BEVs.

Germany, the United Kingdom and France, on the other hand, are hot on the heels of the People's Republic with BEVs market shares in new cars sold ranging from 13 to 18 percent.

 (Démocratique l'UE, il a suffi que la finance anglo-américaine siffle la fin de la partie pou qu'elle tourne carrément totalitaire. note de rené)

EU Advisory Committee Details Plan To Exclude Hungary From EU Presidency

Tyler Durden's Photo
MONDAY, JUL 31, 2023 - 08:00 AM

Via Remix News,

The committee cited Hungary’s “democratic deficit” as its primary reason for trying to block the presidency...

An independent advisory body to the European Union is drawing up a detailed plan on how to prevent Hungary from assuming the presidency of the European Union scheduled for the second half of 2024, daily Magyar Nemzet reports.

The Netherlands-based Meijers Committee, a body consisting of legal professionals that advises the European Union on assessing legislative proposals, has put together a series of recommendations, based on which the European Parliament could prevent a member state from assuming the rotating presidency.

The group of experts presented three different scenarios at the joint committee meeting of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), and the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO), in which they outlined the possibilities of taking away or limiting the rotating presidency.

As the presidency program is jointly drawn up by the three countries succeeding each other at the head of the European Council - in this case, the incoming presidencies of Spain, Belgium and Hungary - the Meijers Committee’s first proposal was that the three member states should agree on which country chairs which meetings, especially where rule-of-law issues are discussed. This proposal would effectively limit the Hungarian presidency, as it is undergoing rule-of-law proceedings.

Experts have also suggested changing the order of the rotating presidencies. It is worth noting that this has been done several times before, but never against the will of the country concerned as a political sanction.

The third proposal is for the European Parliament to adopt a resolution setting out the conditions under which a member state may be excluded from holding the presidency.

At a Hungarian press conference on Thursday, held after the weekly cabinet meeting, Cabinet Minister Gergely Gulyás said that “there is no realistic chance that the Hungarian EU Presidency will not take place.”