jeudi 30 septembre 2021

 (Au moins, les turcs peuvent s'entraîner sur des cibles vivantes au Donbass, la république auto-proclamée. note de rené)

Ukraine signs memorandum on training and maintenance centres for Turkish drones

September 29, 2021 at 7:24 pm | Published in: 

September 29, 2021 at 7:24 pm

Ukraine on Wednesday signed a memorandum to establish joint training and maintenance centres for Turkish armed drones, a statement on President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's website said, Reuters reports.

Ukraine has previously bought the drones from the Turkish defence technology company Baykar to bolster its armed forces in their fight against Russian-backed separatists in the war in the eastern Donbass region.

Turkish ties to Ukraine have irked Russia, which warned Ankara in May against fueling what Moscow called "militaristic sentiment" in Kyiv.

Baykar has sold its Bayraktar TB2 armed drone to Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Qatar and Libya. Canada scrapped export permits for drone technology to Turkey in April, after concluding that the equipment was used by Azeri forces fighting Armenia in the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.

"We have been waiting for this moment for a long time. This is an important event for us," Zelenskiy said after the signing of the memorandum with Baykar.

The memorandum was a step towards joint Ukrainian-Turkish production of the drones, the statement said.

READ: Iraq mulls buying Turkish drones, helicopters, military hardware 

 (Putain, les colons israéliens ont piqué l'arme des pauvres aux palestiniens. Ils leur piquent leur terre, leur maison, leur pays, détruisent leur culture et coupent leurs oliviers,bref, ils n'oublient rien, ils prennent tout. note de rené)

Settlers strike 4-year-old Palestinian on the head with rocks

September 30, 2021 at 9:36 am | Published in:  Middle East Monitor

September 30, 2021 at 9:36 am

A four-year-old Palestinian suffered head injuries on Tuesday after illegal Israeli settlers threw rocks at Palestnians in the occupied South Hebron Hills.

Muhammad Hamamdeh was injured after being hit on the head with a stone which had been thrown by the settlers, he was transferred to the Soroka Medical Centre in Beersheba where he received treatment for a fractured skull.

Meretz Member of the Knesset Gaby Lasky condemned the incident, calling it the "worst incident of settler violence against Palestinians in years." She asked why occupation forces stationed at the scene had not intervened to stop the settler violence.

Lasky stated that those who do not "immediately arrest the settlers involved, lend a hand to hate crimes and violation of the rule of law."

A 12-year-old Palestinian was also seriously injured by Israeli fire on Tuesday in the occupied West Bank, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.

A ministry statement said the child from Al-Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron, was hit by live bullets in the abdomen and rushed to the Arab Society Hospital in Bethlehem for treatment.

It remains unclear why the child was shot.

Palestine: occupation soldiers harass and detain Palestinian schoolchildren

 (C'est devenu un TOC. L'expression d'une société psychotique ? note de rené)

Israel razes Palestinian Bedouin village for 193rd time

September 30, 2021 at 9:15 am | Published in: Middle East Monitor

September 30, 2021 at 9:15 am

Israeli occupation forces this morning demolished the homes of the Bedouin in Al-Araqeeb village in the Negev region for the 193rd time since 2000.

The village was last razed on 2 September, with residents setting up tents and temporary structures in place of those that were previously demolished.

This is the 11th time that the village has been razed since the start of the year.

The village was first levelled in July 2010, and every time the residents of Al-Araqeeb rebuild their tents and small homes, occupation forces return to raze them, sometimes several times in a month.

Located in the Negev (Naqab) desert, the village is one of 51 "unrecognised" Arab villages in the area and is constantly targeted for demolition ahead of plans to Judaise the Negev by building homes for new Jewish communities. Israeli bulldozers, which Bedouins are charged for, demolish everything, from the trees to the water tanks, but Bedouin residents have tried to rebuild it every time.

Bedouin in the Negev must abide by the same laws as Jewish Israeli citizens. They pay taxes but do not enjoy the same rights and services as Jews in Israel and the state has repeatedly refused to connect the towns to the national grid, water supplies, and other vital amenities.

Palestine: occupation soldiers harass and detain Palestinian schoolchildren

 (Ceci étant dit, si on passait à la négociation ! note de rené)

Ex-PM says Israel does not have capacity to strike Iran nuclear sites

September 28, 2021 at 11:55 am | Published in: Middle East Monitor

September 28, 2021 at 11:55 am


Israel does not have conventional military capabilities that enable it to strike and permanently eliminate the Iranian nuclear project, as it did in Iraq in 1981 and Syria in 2007, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said in an opinion piece published in Haaretz's Hebrew site.

Olmert said the policy adopted by former Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu over the past few years and the repeated warnings that Iran is on the verge of becoming a "nuclear power" are incorrect, because "intensive and accelerated uranium enrichment does not necessarily turn Iran to being on the verge of becoming a nuclear state".

Olmert, who criticised what he called the approach of creating unnecessary fear and panic, added that Iran was at every point, within a few months of producing the needed quantities of enriched uranium to be on the verge of becoming a nuclear state, however, the question that should be asked is what brings Iran closer to being a nuclear state.

He explained that while the quantities of enriched uranium are necessary, additional conditions should also be met that are not available to Iran today.

The former politician added that it will take Iran a long time to become a nuclear-capable country.

READ: Israel 'worried' about Vienna talks on Iran nuclear programme

(Le parti travailliste anglais qualifie officiellement Israël comme un pays d'apartheid. note de rené)

UK Labour Party votes for motion calling Israel an apartheid state (Angleterre)

The motion commits the Labour party to implementing sanctions including ceasing UK-Israel arms trade and trade with illegal Israeli settlements.

September 27, 2021 at 2:55 pm | Published in: Europe & RussiaIsraelMiddle EastNewsPalestineUKVideos & Photo Stories

September 27, 2021 at 2:55 pm Middle East Monitor

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The UK Labour Party Conference has today voted in favour of a motion to identify Israel as a state practicing the crime of apartheid, making it the first major political party in Europe to adopt such a position. The motion commits the Labour party to implementing sanctions including ceasing UK-Israel arms trade and trade with illegal Israeli settlements.

"Conference condemns the ongoing Nakba in Palestine, Israel's militarised violence attacking the Al Aqsa mosque, the forced displacements from Sheikh Jarrah and the deadly assault on Gaza," said the motion

The motion noted reports by Human Rights Watch and B'Tselem, which earlier in the year reached a landmark conclusion that Israel was practising the crime of apartheid as defined by the UN. The two reports highlighted how Israel's systematic oppression of the Palestinian people amounted to the crime of apartheid.

Their conclusions echoed the findings of the UN and prominent experts on international law as well as two former Israeli ambassadors.

READ: UK's Liberal Democrats vote to allow visa-free travel for Palestinians

Labour members also welcomed the International Criminal Court's decision to hold an inquiry into abuses committed in the occupied Palestinian Territory since 2014.

Calling for a boycott of Israel the motion said: "Conference resolves that action is needed now due to Israel's continuing illegal actions and that Labour should adhere to an ethical policy on all UK trade with Israel, including stopping any arms trade used to violate Palestinian human rights and trade with illegal Israeli settlements."

"Conference resolves to support 'effective measures' including sanctions, as called for by Palestinian civil society, against actions by the Israeli government that are illegal according to international law," the motion continued noting, in particular, the need to "ensure that Israel stops the building of settlements, reverses any annexation, ends the occupation of the West Bank, the blockade of Gaza, brings down the Wall and respects the right of the Palestinian people, as enshrined in international law, to return to their homes."

It urged the Labour Party to "stand on the right side of history and abide by these resolutions in its policy, communications and political strategy".

Despite the adoption of the motion it is unclear how the leadership of the Labour party will react to such an unprecedented call. Party leader Keir Starmer has been locked in a bitter row with members who support the application of international law when it comes to the rights of the Palestinian people.

Au Liban, les désertions se multiplient dans une armée en déroute

Au Liban, les désertions se multiplient dans une armée en déroute: Les soldats libanais ont le moral en berne et voient leurs conditions de vie se détériorer. Consciente des risques qui pèsent sur l’armée, la communauté internationale lui fournit une aide d’urgence. Un soutien bien mince compte tenu des défis que doit relever l’institution

 (Le bannissement, une mesure d'éloignement social pratiqué dans l'Antiquité. Déjà ! note de rené)

Leader australien : Ceux qui refusent les vaccins seront bannis de notre société

Un leader australien John Barilaro a prévenu que les habitants non vaccinés allaient bientôt perdre leurs libertés dans les prochains jours.

« Il y aura des personnes dans la région de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud qui choisiront de ne pas se faire vacciner… qui perdront leurs libertés le 11 octobre », a averti lundi le vice-premier ministre de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud.

« Le message aux personnes non vaccinées est que vous n’obtiendrez aucune liberté supplémentaire si vous ne vous faites pas vacciner. »


Selon : John Barilaro continue de mandater et d’appliquer des ordres de rester à la maison dans l’ancienne colonie pénitentiaire, des années après l’arrivée du coronavirus en Australie et la circulation massive de la maladie.

M. Barilaro a été contraint de s’excuser le mois dernier après avoir qualifié de « têtes de nœud » 300 personnes qui ont assisté aux funérailles d’un homme, sans savoir que l’événement ne violait même pas les lois strictes et autoritaires du COVID en Australie.

Les images de la répression policière draconienne des manifestations en Australie ont choqué le monde entier, la police harcelant des citoyens libres qui prévoyaient d’assister à une manifestation chez eux, et attaquant violemment ceux qui manifestaient pacifiquement contre le mandat orwellien de rester à la maison. Il y a des raisons de croire que la réponse autoritaire de l’Australie au COVID-19 a en fait diminué la confiance dans le vaccin et découragé les citoyens de le recevoir.

Se faire vacciner est une bonne idée pour la plupart des gens, bien qu’il existe de réelles exceptions médicales et que les insistances dramatiques pour une vaccination à 100% soient irréalistes et contre-productives. Le régime carcéral australien l’est doublement, créant ce qui pourrait être un argument convaincant contre la vaccination en l’associant à un régime brutal et tyrannique.

 (Eux, ils en sont à la quatrième dose souhaitée par le gouvernement. C'est normal de multiplier les doses vu que ce ne sont pas des vaccins. note de rené)

Plus d’un million d’Israéliens, qui n’ont pas eu le 3e dose, sont sur le point de perdre leur passeport vaccinal

Plus d’un million d’Israéliens sont sur le point de perdre leur carte de vaccination (carte verte) dimanche.

Cette mesure fait suite à un changement de politique qui stipule qu’une injection de rappel du Covid-19 est nécessaire six mois après avoir reçu les deux premières doses.

Le tsar israélien du vaccin, Salman Zarka, a déjà commencé à avertir que des préparatifs doivent être faits pour une quatrième injection.

Le Times Of Israel rapporte : Les données du ministère de la santé ont montré lundi que 4 710 716 Israéliens ont été vaccinés avec deux doses il y a six mois, mais que seuls 3 243 641 d’entre eux ont reçu une dose de rappel.

Même en soustrayant les centaines de milliers de personnes infectées par le COVID-19 au cours des six derniers mois, ce qui signifie qu’elles n’auraient pas besoin de la troisième dose de vaccin, le nombre de personnes qui n’auront plus de « laissez-passer vert » est supérieur à un million.

Ce laissez-passer n’est valable qu’à partir d’une semaine après avoir reçu la dernière dose requise, et pendant six mois après. Ce document, détenu par les personnes vaccinées ou guéries du COVID-19, permet d’accéder à de nombreux lieux et événements publics, notamment des restaurants et des musées.

Un laissez-passer vert temporaire peut être obtenu grâce à un test de dépistage du virus négatif, qui doit être payé à moins que la personne ne soit pas éligible à la vaccination.

Par ailleurs, le ministère a annoncé cette semaine que les patients guéris du COVID-19 devront recevoir une seule dose de vaccin contre le coronavirus après avoir été diagnostiqués, afin de pouvoir continuer à bénéficier d’un laissez-passer vert. Auparavant, tous les patients guéris étaient éligibles.