dimanche 22 février 2015

(blog à finir et à corriger)

Il ne faudrait pas oublier, mes chers cinq lecteurs, les massacres des néo-nazis ukrainiens qui ont poussé les russophones à faire sécession !

(Fortruss blogspot.com)

Korsun massacre anniversary - what really pushed Crimea away from Ukraine

February 21, 2015
Translated by Kristina Rus

While the Ukrainian Euro-maidanites are celebrating the anniversary of the bloody coup, the supporters of Antimaidan begin to mark their own tragic dates. Exactly one year ago, on February 20, a bestial gang of Nazis from the "Right Sector" attacked a convoy of buses with Crimeans near Korsun, perpetrating a real slaughter and a massacre of the opponents of a nationalist coup.

Eight buses with Crimeans, who participated in Kiev in Antimaidan rallies, were returned home [after their opponents have won]. Near Korsun in Cherkasy oblast, the convoy was ambushed by the armed thugs from the Right Sector. As became known later, the Nazis were aware of the movement of the column and were expecting the Crimeans.

The captured buses were burned, their passengers were brutally tortured, beaten and humiliated. Several people were beaten to death and murdered.

A testimony of one of the victims of torture by the Right Sector scum soon appeared online:

"We were going home from Kiev with the guys on a bus. There was a roadblock. They started to shoot at us, throwing Molotov cocktails," - shared her experience victim Oksana. "When I came out, I was hit, then they started to pull the boys". The Crimean activists of "Stop Maidan" were attacked near Korsun-Shevchenkovsky, when they returned from Kiev. On the bus there was also an injured man, for whom an ambulance was called earlier. "And they started to beat us. Boys, girls - they didn't care - remembers Oksana. "Then they took the men, and they came back already half naked. Forced them to kneel on broken glass and sing the Ukrainian anthem, shouting "Glory to the Heroes". They took the phones, passports, beat them and took them away. We were left on the bus for nine hours, and then released". The attackers spoke Ukrainian, and forced the Crimeans to speak the state language. Their actions were marked by frenzied brutality and hatred for the Crimeans.

"Now I like the situation in Crimea. At that time, when we were in trouble, not one military, nor the police saved us. No one would give a damn. When they let us go, told us to pass a message that they will soon arrive in Crimea, and it will be much worse than in Kiev. I'm glad that someone will protect us."

Remembering those tragic events, well-known political analyst Vladimir Kornilov noted that, despite the horror of what happened, this massacre was destined to become the impetus, which roused the Crimea for the following complete liberation from the aggressive Ukrainian banderovshina, sinister shadows of which were already hanging over the peninsula.

"I want to remind you that until then Crimea rather inertly reacted to what was happening in Kiev. Some dear to me Crimeans publicly spoke, saying, "this is not our war". I even argued about this with some Crimean political scientists. Some went to Kiev to protest on Antimaidan, but mostly among the masses there was not a lot of emotion. But when the Crimean survivors of this massacre came home and talked about who came to power in Kiev, Crimea exploded, then it realized that it is time to act and defend yourself! Personally, I count the beginning of the reunification process of Crimea with Russia starting from that day. [It was still more then two months until the Odessa massacre - K.R.]

So the Ukrainian Nazis had done everything they can in order to start this process," - said Kornilov.

Kristina Rus:

When the Western press cheers "the democratic aspirations of the Ukrainian people shown on Maidan" they conveniently forget and ignore the aspirations of those mostly Russian-speaking Ukrainians from Crimea and South-Eastern Ukraine, who were protesting nearby in Kiev against the Maidan. Unfortunately it took a bloody civil war to open the eyes of the most, and those few people who had the foresight of what's to come and understood what was in store for Ukraine did not have the time and the funding of the Right Sector and Maidan organizers to adequately prepare and make any difference from the start.

But when the determination and brutality of the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist thugs became apparent after their deeds in Korsun and Odessa became known to the public, most Ukrainian citizens became horrified by what the Maidan had unleashed and were forced to make a decision if this is the kind of country they want to leave in."

Et, comment se porte l'armée allemande qui doit nous défendre contre les méchants russes ?

(source : Le journal du siècle)

Un bataillon allemand armé de bâtons appartient à une unité de déploiement rapide de l’OTAN

Un reportage diffusé il y a quelques jours par la chaîne de télévision publique allemande ARD révèle que lors d’un récent exercice commun de troupes allemandes avec des forces de l’OTAN, les soldats ont masqué l’absence de mitrailleuses sur leurs véhicules par de fausses en bois.
La ministre de la Défense allemande Ursula von der Leyen avec le général de la Bundeswehr Gert-Johannes Hagemann à Hammelburg le 2 octobre 2014. REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay
La ministre de la Défense allemande Ursula von der Leyen avec le général de la Bundeswehr Gert-Johannes Hagemann à Hammelburg le 2 octobre 2014.
Selon un rapport, cette unité allemande d’intervention rapide serait incapable de remplir ses missions.Plus de 40% des soldats n’ont pas le pistolet réglementaire P3 et la dotation en mitrailleuses MG3 est inférieure de 30% à ce qu’elle devrait être. Les opérations de nuit seraient également très compliquées puisqu’il manque 76% des appareils de vision nocturne.
L’an dernier, le Commission de défense du Bundestag a été informée que sur les 89 chasseurs de l’armée allemande, seulement 38 étaient opérationnels, les autres étaient en panne.
L’armée allemande s’est tellement affaiblie au cours des dernières années qu’elle ne semble plus capable d’assurer sa défense et encore moins celle de ses alliés européens.


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