samedi 11 novembre 2017

Dozens of Zionist companies on the way to Riyadh

Israeli news sources revealed that dozens of Israeli companies are in talks to participate in the construction of the Saudi Crown Prince’s mega city project.

Zionist newspaper Jerusalem Post revealed that a large number of Israeli companies are engaged in intensive discussions with the Saudi Arabian Investment Fund to participate in the Neom project, which is related to the construction of the mega city.
Saudi crown prince Mohamed bin Salman recently announced a major investment project called the Neom Project, worth $ 500 billion, to be built in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan.
According to the newspaper, the participation of Israeli companies in this project will end the ban on Israeli companies that have been imposed decades ago. Based on the sensitivity of the issue of normalization of relations with Israel, these companies can not yet publicly disclose the matter.
(La méga city dans le golfe d'Aqaba au fond la ville israélienne d'Eilat. Plus grande que New York raconte le futur roi d'Arabie Saoudite, celui-là même qui parle d'un islam modéré et applique un génocide implacable contre les houthis du Yémen. Mais, ce sont les amis argentés des politiciens français. note de rené)

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