vendredi 31 mai 2024

L'Échelle de Jacob: L'armée russe repousse une attaque massive contre ...

L'Échelle de Jacob: L'armée russe repousse une attaque massive contre ...: Selon le ministre russe de la Défense, tous les missiles ont été abattus, ce qui a permis de sauver des centaines de vies.   Les militaire...

(A quand Moscou, le rêve de macron, voir brûler Moscou ? A mon avis, Washington brûlera en même temps avec Paris. note de rené)

L'Échelle de Jacob: Le cygne noir de l’intelligence artificielle et la...

L'Échelle de Jacob: Le cygne noir de l’intelligence artificielle et la...: Écrire sur le thème de l’IA comporte des dangers inhérents. Le premier d’entre eux est que l’on finit par paraître bêtement pédant ou d...

(Ils se sont forgés les armes pour nous opprimer, mais celle-là risque de ne pas reconnaître en eux l'essence divine dont ils s'affublent pour dissimuler la pauvreté de leur intellect. note de rené)

"Ils ont tué mon mari!", l'eurodéputée Francesca Donato victime de représailles

"Ils ont tué mon mari!", l'eurodéputée Francesca Donato victime de représailles

(Donc, je suppose que c'est le commissaire européen qui a menacé de mort le premier ministre géorgien qui a donné l'orde pour la liquidation. Cela mérite une enquête non ou alors, les commissaires européens comme les milliardaires européens sont au dessus de lois ? note de rené)

 La mégère climatique

Nord de la France, région Picardie

8 heures 30, 14°C, 20°C à l'intérieur, je chauffe pour enlever l'humidité, ciel tout gris de formes nuageuses, hier en allant faire les courses, dans une trouée où j'ai vu le ciel bleu et deux trainées de chemtrails au dessus des nuages, bill gate ne nous oublie pas. D'ailleurs, je remarque qu'aucun ne parle de ce contrat de bill gates avec ursula von der leyen pour cacher le soleil, l'aurait-elle conclu par sms ? Donc, je continue sur mon climat, de l'humidité à en revendre, du vent à éolienne. Et dire que tout ce qui nous arrive de maléfique, parce que penser à assassiner les trois quart de la population mondiale en emprisonnant et en réduisant le peu qu'il restera à un esclavage numériquement contrôlé, c'est maléfique, nous vient des Etats-Unis.

17 heures 28, 13°C, que dire, il pleut, il a plu, il pleuvra, vent à éolienne.

 (On le sait depuis le début, en fait, depuis le maïdan et toute cette propagande ordurière que victoria nuland et ses sbires nazis ukrainiens avec les premiers ministres des pays baltes, qui y ont envoyés des snipers, ont déversé sur la Russie. De toute façon, l'appropriation massive et rampante de l'économie ukrainienne par les tentacules de la finance khazar, black rock, state street, vanguard, disons de rothschild et ses potes annonçait clairement la future, déjà planifiée par eux. Le raisonnement est simple, soit, on domine la planète dans sa totalité, soit on ne la domine pas et l'agenda du nouvel ordre mondial, leur projet idéologique, est planifié pour la totalité. Et ceux qui vont mourrir un jour pour qu'ils puissent piller la Russie et se servir de la masse chinoise pour opprimer les peuples, une fois la Chine défaite, ce sont les petits militants écologistes ou ceux qui se prennent pour des meufs. note de rené)

La deuxième étape des préparatifs de l'OTAN en vue d'un conflit contre la Russie a commencé

Le Premier ministre hongrois Viktor Orban a averti que l’Europe était entrée dans la deuxième des trois étapes de préparation à un éventuel conflit militaire avec la Russie. Selon Orbán, cité par le portail d'information hongrois Hirado, la phase actuelle est celle de la préparation et le continent n'est qu'à "centimètres" du début de véritables hostilités.

« La guerre ne démarre pas instantanément, elle passe par trois phases : discussion, préparation puis destruction. Nous sommes déjà au-delà des discussions, et notre analyse montre que nous sommes proches de l’apparition d’une réelle menace de destruction. »», a souligné Orban.

Dans son discours, le Premier ministre hongrois a également critiqué l'OTAN, affirmant que l'alliance tente d'entraîner l'ensemble de l'Europe dans un conflit contre la Russie. Orban a rappelé que, par nature, l’OTAN est un bloc défensif et non un initiateur d’action militaire, et a comparé l’expansion de la mission de l’alliance en Ukraine à « éteindre un incendie avec un lance-flammes ».

Подробнее на:

EXPOSED! U.S. Military bases are UNDER ATTACK in the U.S. Why is Biden h... (USA)

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Journal de guerre: Jour 238 (Liban)

 (Beaucoup d'américains quittent les grandes villes pour les petites. note de rené)

Why Are Vast Numbers Of People Relocating To Small Towns All Over The Country?

In recent years, Americans have been fleeing our largest cities in unprecedented numbers, and many of them have decided to settle down in quiet little towns all over the country.  There are many reasons why this is happening, and I will highlight several of them below.  If this trend continues, what will our major metropolitan areas look like?  Violence, theft, drugs, homelessness and international migration have all risen to crisis levels and are putting a tremendous amount of strain on our core urban areas.  Meanwhile, many small towns are absolutely booming as wave after wave of big city refugees comes pouring in.

People have been leaving large metropolitan areas for a long time, but once the pandemic arrived that trend greatly accelerated

In the three years before the pandemic, counties in metro areas with at least 1 million residents lost a total 200,000 or so residents annually to other regions, after figuring both people moving in and leaving, according to the Goldman report. After COVID, those losses vaulted to 750,000 in 2021, 650,000 in 2022 and 550,000 in 2023, according to Goldman and Census data. The numbers reflect annual changes through July of each year.

A separate study by Lombard shows the domestic migration losses were concentrated in the largest metro areas with more than 4 million residents. Those cities shed a total 400,000 residents annually before the pandemic and have lost 820,000, 707,000 and 591,000 residents, respectively, over the past three years.

And it is being reported that last year small towns became “the nation’s top destination for domestic migrants for the first time in decades”

Last year, about 266,000 of the big city refugees moved to metro areas with populations of 250,000 to 1 million and about 291,000 moved to areas with populations under 250,000. That made those small towns the nation’s top destination for domestic migrants for the first time in decades, Lombard says.

In 2023, the New York City metro area lost 204,000 residents; Los Angeles, 119,000; and Chicago, 64,000, according to Census and Moody’s.

So why is this happening?

Well, there are a number of reasons why so many people are relocating to small towns these days.

For many, the quality of life in big U.S. cities has become utterly deplorable.  For example, one young Chicago mother recently had to wait for hours for a police officer to show up after masked robbers entered her home…

A Chicago mom who called 911 during a terrifying break-in was left on her own for hours — with dispatchers telling her to call her local representative to demand more police funding.

Michelle called the emergency hotline six times after coming face-to-face with two masked bandits, only for the strained supervisor to tell her the city’s severe budget cuts had left them with a bare-bones staff.

“A gentleman got on and said sorry to say we have no units to send you … then there was an awkward pause,” Michelle told NBC Chicago Wednesday, declining to share her name or face while her would-be robbers are still on the loose.

I don’t know why anyone would want to live in Chicago at this point.

Of course the exact same thing could be said about most of our other large cities.

Another reason why a lot of Americans are choosing to relocate has to do with taxes.

There has been a mass exodus out of “high tax states”, and Massachusetts is one of those that is being hit really hard

Massachusetts is in danger of losing nearly $1 billion in annual revenue over the coming years as high state taxes trigger an exodus of wealthy residents.

Since 2013, migration out of Massachusetts has seen an “alarming” 1,100% increase to more than 39,000 people, according to new findings published by Boston University’s Questrom School of Business. If the trend continues, more than 96,000 residents making a cumulative $19.2 billion in adjusted gross income will leave the state by 2030.

The study estimates those departures would cost Massachusetts about $961 million in income tax revenue each year.

In my rankings of all 50 U.S. states, I have Massachusetts all the way down at number 44.

The cost of living crisis that we are currently facing is another factor that is motivating vast numbers of Americans to relocate.

At this point, we are being told that Mississippi has the lowest cost of living in the entire nation…

Imagine stepping into a world where your paycheck stretches like bubblegum and the promise of Southern charm meets you at every corner. Welcome to Mississippi, a land where the living is easy, the cost of living is easier, and every quirk adds color to the canvas of daily life. Here, your financial aspirations can don a superhero cape, albeit in a landscape peppered with challenges that keep things interesting.

One of the reasons why Mississippi has such a low cost of living is because average home prices are the lowest in the country

Mississippi’s housing costs are the lowest in the nation. Home prices range from $32,000 to $240,000 depending on the city, with an average of $162,292.

But even though it has such a low cost of living, I don’t really like Mississippi as a place to live during the chaotic times that are coming.

In fact, in my rankings of all 50 U.S. states I have Mississippi all the way down at number 33.

Ultimately, the cost of living is only a minor consideration when it comes to choosing a place to live during the extremely difficult years that are ahead of us.

Much more importantly, you will want a location that has like-minded people, that has a low population density, that has a low risk of experiencing major natural disasters, and that is not near any important military targets.

Unfortunately, such areas have become very popular in recent years and home prices are going through the roof.  For instance, the median home price in Bozeman, Montana has risen to about $770,000

Nowhere has the affordability crisis been felt as acutely as in Bozeman, a city of about 56,000 not far from Yellowstone National Park and the upscale Big Sky skiing community. Bozeman, where the median home sells for about $770,000, has had so many out-of-state arrivals over the years that Montanans sometimes refer to it as “Boz Angeles.”

As high-end rentals in Bozeman spring up next to historic homes and new arrivals snap them up, a smattering of tents and RVs have begun to populate the outskirts of town: homeless residents priced out by rising rents.

Many longtime Montanans bristle at the newcomers, and bumper stickers proclaiming some version of “Montana Is Full” abound, occasionally with an expletive attached. Some locals blame the popular television show “Yellowstone” for romanticizing the Mountain West, luring people to the state.

A lot of Americans now find themselves priced out of many of the most desirable communities in the country, and that is extremely unfortunate.

If you are considering relocating to another part of the nation, I would encourage you to do it soon.

Because global events are starting to really go haywire, and the clock is ticking.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at


Le vaccin de Moderna contre le virus de la bronchiolite approuvé chez les plus de 60 ans

Un panneau indiquant le siège de Moderna à Cambridge, dans le Massachusetts, le 28 avril 2022. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Moderna a annoncé vendredi que son vaccin contre le virus respiratoire syncytial (VRS), responsable de la bronchiolite, avait été autorisé aux Etats-Unis chez les plus de 60 ans. 

Il s'agit du "deuxième produit" de l'entreprise approuvé, après son vaccin contre le Covid-19, a souligné dans un communiqué le patron de l'entreprise, Stéphane Bancel. 

"Cette autorisation est aussi la première fois qu'un vaccin à ARN messager a été approuvé pour une maladie autre que le Covid-19", a-t-il ajouté. 

Deux vaccins contre le VRS ont déjà été autorisés aux Etats-Unis l'année dernière, le premier du géant pharmaceutique britannique GSK, l'autre de Pfizer. 

Le vaccin de Moderna, appelé mRESVIA, a été testé chez environ 37.000 adultes de 60 ans et plus dans 22 pays.

L'entreprise a déclaré qu'il serait disponible pour la population américaine pour la saison épidémique 2024/2025.

Le VRS est un virus très répandu et contagieux, surtout connu pour causer, durant l'hiver, des bronchiolites (infection des petites bronches) chez les enfants en bas âge.

Il touche également les adultes et peut se révéler dangereux pour les personnes âgées lorsqu'il dégénère en infection respiratoire.

Selon les autorités sanitaires américaines, ce virus entraînait avant l'existence de vaccins le décès d'entre 6.000 et 10.000 personnes âgées aux Etats-Unis chaque année, et entre 60.000 à 160.000 hospitalisations. 


© Agence France-Presse

(Tout est pourri en Arménie, les arméniens ne mérite pas d'avoir un pays et la commission européenne va s'en occuper. note de rené) 

L'ex-président Sarkissian acquitté d'accusations de corruption

L'ex-président arménien Serge Sarkissian. Photo d'archives AFP

L'ex-président arménien Serge Sarkissian a été acquitté vendredi par la justice d'accusations de détournement de fonds publics, à l'issue d'un procès qui avait commencé en 2020, deux ans après que des manifestations l'avaient chassé du pouvoir.

M. Sarkissian était accusé d'avoir aidé à organiser en 2013 un système permettant à une entreprise privée de fournir du carburant diesel pour le programme d'aide agricole du gouvernement à un prix délibérément gonflé, qui aurait coûté aux caisses de l'Etat un million de dollars.

L'acte d'accusation n'indiquait cependant pas si M. Sarkissian avait bénéficié personnellement de ce système, et les procureurs n'avaient pas demandé son incarcération, l'affaire étant prescrite.

Vendredi, le tribunal municipal d'Erevan a déclaré Serge Sarkissian "non coupable", selon le verdict publié sur son site web.

"Il n'y avait aucune preuve dans le dossier des actes répréhensibles reprochés à mon client", a déclaré aux journalistes l'avocat de M. Sarkissian, Amram Makinian.

Il a qualifié le verdict d'acquitement comme "la seule décision possible que le tribunal pouvait rendre".

Le Parquet a lui indiqué dans un communiqué qu'il "fera appel de la décision devant une instance supérieure".

M. Sarkissian avait été chassé du pouvoir après des manifestations en avril 2018 dans ce pays du Caucase confronté à de multiples problèmes.

Le meneur de ces protestations, Nikol Pachinian, occupe actuellement le poste de Premier ministre. Elu sur un programme de réformes, il est de plus en plus contesté en raison de la défaite militaire face à l'Azerbaïdjan voisin, qui a repris en 2020 puis 2022 le contrôle de l'enclave contestée du Haut-Karabakh.

Serge Sarkissian avait dans un premier temps fait profil bas, mais ces dernières années, il a refait surface en critiquant sévèrement M. Pachinian.

M. Pachinian est actuellement confronté à des manifestations contre la cession à l'Azerbaïdjan de quatre villages frontaliers, menées par le charismatique archevêque Bagrat Galstanian, auquel M. Sarkissian a apporté publiquement son soutien.


La vie est devenue "apocalyptique" dans le sud de Gaza, s'alarme l'ONU

Des Palestiniens quittent le camp de réfugiés de Jabalia, dans le nord de la bande de Gaza, le 31 mai 2024. Photo Omar AL-QATTAA / AFP

La vie est devenue « apocalyptique » dans certaines zones du sud de la bande de Gaza depuis le début de l'offensive israélienne contre Rafah début mai, s'est alarmée l'ONU vendredi, notant en revanche que la situation dans le nord s'améliore.

« L'exode auquel nous assistons depuis une vingtaine de jours à partir de Rafah est une expérience à la fois impressionnante et horrible pour un très grand nombre de personnes », a déploré Matthew Hollingworth, directeur pour les Territoires palestiniens du Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM).

Dans le sud, les boulangeries de cette agence onusienne ont fermé faute de fioul, et du 7 mai, date à laquelle l'armée israélienne a lancé son offensive sur la ville de Rafah, au 20 mai, « pas un seul camion du PAM n'a emprunté les passages pour arriver à Rafah depuis l'Egypte », a ajouté M. Hollingworth au cours d'une conférence de presse en ligne à son retour d'une mission dans la bande de Gaza.

Le PAM n'a plus accès non plus à son entrepôt principal dans le sud du territoire car il se situe dans une zone évacuée. « Nous avons complètement perdu cet entrepôt, y compris les stocks de 2.700 tonnes de nourriture qui ont été ou pillés ou détruits à cause des combats », a-t-il expliqué. Un million de personnes fuyant les bombardements et les combats à Rafah sont partis vers al-Mawasi, une zone côtière située entre Rafah et Khan Younès, et désignée par Israël « zone humanitaire » pour accueillir les déplacés.

Selon Matthew Hollingsworth, ces derniers manquent d'eau, de nourriture de carburant, de services de santé ou d'espace pour creuser des latrines. « Les bruits et les odeurs de la vie quotidienne sont horribles et apocalyptiques », a-t-il souligné. Le PAM nourrit 27.000 personnes en ce moment « mais cela n'est pas assez ».

Dans des zones du centre de Gaza, l'agence fournit environ 400.000 repas chauds par jour et parvient à maintenir ouvertes six boulangeries. En revanche la situation s'améliore dans le nord du territoire palestinien, où les agences de l'ONU avaient averti en mars qu'une famine était imminente.

Grâce à l'ouverture de passages, environ 12.000 tonnes d'aide ont pu être livrées, essentiellement de la nourriture, depuis le 1er mai. « Il y a eu un changement en terme de disponibilité de la nourriture », bien que subsistent de gros problèmes d'assistance sanitaire, de fourniture d'eau potable et de traitement des eaux usées.

Guerre à Gaza : la sauvagerie croissante d’Israël à l’encontre des Palestiniens est un signe de sa défaite

Guerre à Gaza : la sauvagerie croissante d’Israël à l’encontre des Palestiniens est un signe de sa défaite: Israël est confronté à une défaite politique, diplomatique et militaire – et la brutalité croissante de ses attaques à Rafah et de ses vols de terres en Cisjordanie montre qu’il le sait

Israel settlers destroy wheat fields in historic Palestine village of Sebastia – Middle East Monitor

Israel settlers destroy wheat fields in historic Palestine village of Sebastia – Middle East Monitor

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 (Ah bon, de la fraude électorale officielle dans l'état de Pennsylvanie avec son gouverneur démocrate. note de rené)

Lawsuit Seeks End To 'Lawless' Noncitizen Voting In Pennsylvania  (USA)

Tyler Durden's Photo
BY TYLER DURDEN   zerohedge
FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2024 - 12:30 AM

Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

The conservative advocacy group America First Legal (AFL) filed a complaint with the Pennsylvania Department of State, seeking to end a directive that allows noncitizens to vote in state and federal elections.

Illegal aliens from Cuba line up in Marathon, Fla., to board a bus to be driven to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection station on Jan. 5, 2023. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002 requires that an individual applying to vote must mention a current and valid driver’s license and the last four digits of their Social Security number on the voter application form.

HAVA mandates that local election officials confirm the numbers are valid and current by using available databases.

“However, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania maintains a voter registration system that blatantly violates this federal law,” the May 21 complaint alleges.

HAVA prohibits a state from accepting or processing a voter application registration that does not fulfill its identity proof provisions.

In 2018, the Secretary of the Commonwealth issued a “HAVA Matching Directive” which states that a voter registration application “may not be rejected” solely based on the fact that an applicant’s driver’s license and Social Security number do not match any database.

Under the directive, the Secretary of the Commonwealth asked “all 67 county boards of election to ignore HAVA’s verification mandate and to register any applicant” to vote even if the individual does not fulfill identification requirements.

“This lawless directive does not just violate federal law; it creates a regime where an untold number of ineligible voters, including non-citizens, can register to vote in all state and federal elections in the Commonwealth,” the lawsuit said.

In the HAVA directive, the Pennsylvania Department of State cited a previous case to argue that HAVA’s data comparison process was intended only for storing and managing the official list of registered voters. HAVA was not supposed to be used as “a restriction on voter eligibility,” it stated.

The department asked counties to ensure their procedures “comply with state and federal law” while implementing the HAVA directive.

This meant that if there are “no independent grounds” to reject a voter application other than a non-match of identification, the application cannot be rejected and should be “processed like all other applications.”

AFL asked to repeal the HAVA Matching Directive and replace it with a regulation in compliance with HAVA.

Gene Hamilton, America First Legal executive director, pointed out that Americans across the nation have “legitimate concerns” about the security of elections.

And yet, he said, Pennsylvania adopted and maintained a voter registration process that “clearly and unambiguously violates basic federal law intended to provide a minimum baseline of security.”

He called on the Secretary of State to abandon the “unlawful practice” and comply with the federal rules to ensure fraud doesn’t occur.

The Pennsylvania State Department responded in an emailed statement to The Epoch Times: “All voters in Pennsylvania must be United States citizens in order to register to vote, and no directive or guidance from the Department says otherwise. Residents seeking to register to vote must prove their citizenship.”

Noncitizen Voting Issue

According to the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), foreign nationals registering to vote in U.S. election races is not uncommon.

PILF data show that Pima County, Arizona, canceled 186 voter registrations due to citizenship issues between 2021 and 2023, with seven having voting histories.

Similarly, 222 voter registrations in Maricopa County, Arizona, were canceled between 2015 and 2023 for similar issues, with nine people having a history of casting votes.

“The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (Motor Voter) provides the most common pathway for foreign nationals to get registered to vote. The 24 states plus D.C. which automate Motor Voter, not giving the immigrant the chance to decline registration, exacerbate the problem,” PILF said.

On May 8, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Rep. Chip Roy (R-Tex.) introduced the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, or S.4292, which seeks to ensure that only American citizens take part in federal elections.

The Act requires proof of citizenship during voter registration, outlining acceptable documentation to prove citizenship. States are required to set up alternative verification processes for citizens who do not have standard documents.

The legislation also mandates that states purge noncitizens from their voter rolls. Penalties would be instituted for knowingly registering noncitizens as voters.

Sen. Lee pointed out that illegal immigrants and other noncitizens are being improperly registered as voters, allowing them to cast votes in federal elections.

This “foreign election interference” must be stopped, especially since trust in the voting process is now more important than ever, he said.

Voting is both a sacred right and responsibility of American citizenship, and allowing the people of other nations access to our elections is a grave blow to our security and self-governance.

Multiple left-leaning groups like the American Civil Liberties Union, American Humanist Association, Democracy Matters, National Action Network, and Stand Up America oppose the SAVE Act.

In a May 16 letter to Rep. Bryan Steil (R-Wis.) and Rep. Joe Morelle (D-N.Y.), members of the Committee on House Administration, the organizations called the SAVE Act a “dangerous departure” from ensuring that all Americans have the freedom to vote.

Requiring documentation of American citizenship is aimed at “fear-mongering and divisive rhetoric,” they claimed.

Voters in every state are already required to verify their citizenship status when registering to vote, they said. As such, the SAVE Act is “unnecessary and dangerous.” The purpose of the Act was to make voting “more difficult, particularly for voters of color.”

A congressional hearing on noncitizen voting was held on May 16. Rep. Joe Morelle (D-N.Y.) said there was no proof of noncitizens voting in elections and that there should be a focus on “MAGA Republicans howling about this nonissue.”

Rep. Bryan Steil (R-Wis.) pointed out that 100 noncitizens were recently identified in voter rolls in Ohio. He called for strict policies to ensure that only Americans vote in elections considering that 7 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States under the Biden administration.


Biden Allows Ukraine To Use US Weapons To Attack Inside Russia In Highly Dangerous Escalation

Tyler Durden's Photo
BY TYLER DURDEN   zerohedge
FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2024 - 04:00 AM

Given the last days of momentum and growing pressure coming from some NATO countries, this was perhaps inevitable: the United States has now greenlighted Ukraine's use of American-supplied weapons against Russian territory in a huge escalation which takes the world a big step closer to WW3 and nuclear-armed confrontation.

Politico is reporting Thursday afternoon, "The Biden administration has quietly given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia — solely near the area of Kharkiv — using U.S.-provided weapons, two U.S. officials and two other people familiar with the move said Thursday, a major reversal that will help Ukraine to better defend its second-largest city."

American soldiers in front of a HIMARS light multiple rocket launcher, Zuma Press

An anonymous US official was cited a saying, "The president recently directed his team to ensure that Ukraine is able to use U.S. weapons for counter-fire purposes in Kharkiv so Ukraine can hit back at Russian forces hitting them or preparing to hit them."

The same official stipulated that the policy of not allowing long-range strikes inside Russia "has not changed." However, this is surely going to be a distinction without substance or meaning from Russia's point of view, as it makes attacking Russia's sovereign territory with US weaponry 'allowable' for the first time. According to more details of what are expected to be the immediate implications

In effect, Ukraine can now use American-provided weapons, such as rockets and rocket launchers, to shoot down launched Russian missiles heading toward Kharkiv, at troops massing just over the Russian border near the city, or Russian bombers launching bombs toward Ukrainian territory. But the official said Ukraine cannot use those weapons to hit civilian infrastructure or launch long-range missiles, such as the Army Tactical Missile System, to hit military targets deep inside Russia.

It’s a stunning shift the administration initially said would escalate the war by more directly involving the U.S. in the fight. But worsening conditions for Ukraine on the battlefield –– namely Russia’s advances and improved position in Kharkiv –– led the president to change his mind.

Ukraine has been complaining that all restrictions need to be taken off if it is to defend against Russia's recent major offensive in Kharkiv, which was launched from across the border. For example, Russian artillery is able to fire from rear positions within the Belgorod region near the border. It meanwhile remains part of Moscow's stated aim to push the border deeper into Ukraine to create a 'buffer zone' - making it harder for pro-Kiev forces to shell Russian towns and villages.

Politico's fresh reporting is consistent with something Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday. While visiting Moldova - itself feeling the pressure of the war right next door - Blinken laid out that the US does not "encourage or enable" Ukrainian attacks inside Russia - but he then moved the goalpost by stressing the US would "adapt and adjust" this position based on developing battlefield needs.

A reporter followed up by asking if he meant the White House will now support Ukrainian attacks inside Russia. Blinken responded with"Adapt and adjust means exactly that."

On a covert level this was likely already happening all along...

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned earlier this week there will be "major consequences" if NATO countries support long-range strikes on Russian territory. While it's long been clear that US, UK, French, and other West-supplied weaponry has been used against Crimea, this has yet to be the case when it comes to Russia proper. Or at least any such attack has not been made public yet.

This significant shift underscores the desperation of Western allies as Ukrainian forces have been getting rolled back in the Kharkiv region. It seems Washington, London, Paris, and Brussels simply cannot stomach a Ukrainian loss - but this desperation is leading to deepened and highly dangerous Western deepening involvement in the conflict. 
