mardi 27 juin 2023

 (Comme en France, on se dit que le seul parti qu'on n'a pas essayé, c'est le rassemblement national et qu'ils ne peuvent pas faire pire que leurs prédécesseurs. Moi, personnellement, je suis pour quitter l'UE, l'euro et l'Otan et de demander à dieu de me refiler un petit billet. Mais trêve de plaisanterie, la France est dans le même état qu'au sortir d e la deuxième guerre mondiale, tout est à reconstruire de la faute en premier de ses "putains" de politiciens socialistes professionnels et des autres qui ont suivi dont le trop fameux sarkozy qui a plongé la lybie et l'Afrique dans des guerres civiles qui n'en finissent plus avec les djihadistes. note de rené)

"Political Earthquake" - Germany's AfD Party Posts Historic Win In Thuringia, Scores First District Administrator

Tyler Durden's Photo   zerohedge
BY TYLER DURDEN   zerohedge
TUESDAY, JUN 27, 2023 - 08:00 AM

Authored by Denes Albert via Remix News,

The German political establishment is reacting with extreme alarm and making various threats about the democratic results in favor of the AfD...

Alternative for Deutschland (AfD) candidate Robert Sesselmann won the second round of elections in Sonneberg, Thuringia, on Sunday, becoming the first politician from the party to hold a district leadership post. The win is being touted as a historic victory for the party at a time when it is seeing record support from the population and routinely polling between 19 and 20 percent in nationwide surveys.

Sesselmann defeated the incumbent CDU candidate Jürgen Köpper by a convincing margin.

Preliminary election results show Sesselmann with 52.8 percent of the vote and Köpper with 47.2 percent, reports Germany’s Focus magazine.

Although he did not achieve an absolute majority in the first round, Sesselmann won 47 percent of the votes, making him the strong favorite to win in the second round.

The win also comes despite a cross-party coalition of Greens, Free Democrats (FDP), the Left party, and the Social Democrats (SPD) endorsing the CDU candidate and urging their voters to back him against the AfD. The German press also made the election a national issue, warning of a “threat against democracy” should the AfD win.

In his campaign, the AfD candidate promised voters that he would tackle high inflation and the growing problem of immigration. The rural and conservative population of Germany is increasingly dissatisfied with the current leadership, which could lead to a national rise of the AfD.

The AfD celebrated the win on Twitter, writing: “Sonneberg experienced its blue miracle: Robert Sesselmann is the first AfD district administrator in Germany. Congratulations and thanks to all supporters and voters – they all made history today!”

German newspaper Junge Freiheit describes the victory as a “political earthquake,” but the German political establishment is reacting with concern and threats.

Green party leader Ricarda Lang called the result of the district election “disturbing.” 

She stated: “Now at the latest is the time when – despite all the disputes on the matter – all democratic forces must defend democracy together.”

Schleswig-Holstein SPD member of the Bundestag Ralf Stegner claimed the election had similarities with the Third Reich, writing, “Ninety years after the seizure of power and the beginning of the Nazi dictatorship, the district of Sonneberg in southern Thuringia elected a right-wing extremist as district administrator.”

As Remix News recently reported, AfD soared to an unprecedented 20 percent in a recent INSA poll, likely driven by a broad range of factors such as Germany’s significant inflation and economic crisis, as well as the migration crisis. The INSA poll shows that 34 percent of voters desc

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