dimanche 15 septembre 2024

Les élites russes jouent avec le feu! - avec Karine Bechet-Golovko. (France)

Harvest Time🔥 Zelensky's Crazy Plan💥 Hypersonic - The Last Argument🎖 Mil...

 note existentielle

J'ai commandé à Amazon, donc à vanguard, le livre du professeur didier raoult homo chaoticus, je ne le recevrais que le 3 octobre. 


UK Shocked US Missile Strike No; Blames Sullivan, Ukr Aid Dwindles; Rus ...

'Seperti Neraka di Kursk', Rusia Pamer Kendaraan Tempur Kiriman AS-NATO ...

Journal de guerre: jour 345. (Liban)

СТРИМ - БАТЛ! Народное vs Эстрада


Abbas ‘postponed’ democracy - So, who speaks on behalf of the Palestinian people?

Abbas ‘postponed’ democracy - So, who speaks on behalf of the Palestinian people?: In April 2021, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas issued a decree postponing parliamentary and presidential elections, which were scheduled to take place in May and July respectively. The then-85-year-old Palestinian leader justified...

(Le vieux scbnock complètement corrompu qui a vendu son pays morceau par morceau. note de rené)

BREAKING: Fires as Houthi missile strikes Israel

BREAKING: Fires as Houthi missile strikes Israel: A Houthi missile fired from Yemen has hit central Israel, sparking fire, according to the Israeli military. The missile triggered air raid sirens in Tel Aviv and across central Israel,...

Illegal Israeli settlers escorted by security forces storm Old City of Hebron in southern West Bank

Illegal Israeli settlers escorted by security forces storm Old City of Hebron in southern West Bank: Dozens of illegal Israeli settlers escorted by security forces on Saturday evening stormed the Old City of Hebron in the southern West Bank, forcing Palestinians to head back home, Anadolu news agency...

LIVE UPDATES: Yemen’s Houthis claim missile attack on military target in central Israel

LIVE UPDATES: Yemen’s Houthis claim missile attack on military target in central Israel: Daily Haaretz reported that the missile, fired from Yemen, landed in an open area in central Israel on Sunday morning. Following its detection, numerous alarms were activated in illegal settlements across central Israel,...

''Les États-Unis pillent l'Europe depuis 1917'' : Claude Janvier sur l'É... (France)


La vérité sur la restauration de Notre-Dame de Paris : Que nous cache-t...


Ukraine Le choc et l'effroi. (France ) google ne donne pas les bonnes dates de diffusion)

Personnels suspendus : que deviennent-ils, trois ans plus tard ? (France)

 (Bientôt un vaccin contre la dissidence cognitive ? note de rené)

Alors, c'est quoi la dissidence cognitive, je propose une définition copiée sur celle de la dissonance cognitive trouvé sur hubspot.fr, d'ailleurs, ça se trouve qu'elle existe déjà.

"Lorsqu'un individu agit en contradiction avec les cognitions que lui fait ingurgiter la société dominante et qu'il doit s'en débarrasser pour être à nouveau dans l'agir."
Si quelqu'un est intéressé à reprendre à son compte la dissidence cognitive avec cette définition peu travaillée, je lui laisse avec plaisir ce travail à faire. note de rené)

dimanche 15 septembre 2024. La Vie hospitalière

Bientôt 15 injections vaccinales pour les bébés. Comment y échapper ?

Le monde et nous.

Une émission du Dr Jacky Cassou

Invités : Le Dr Nicole Delépine (pédiatre-oncologue) et le Dr Gérard Delépine (chirurgien cancerologue)


Pour suivre la vidéo sur CrowdBunker

Chaîne TV-ADP


Le livre des Drs Nicole Delépine & Gérard Delépine 

"Cancer. Les bonnes questions à poser à votre médecin"

Maintenant qu'on vous a diagnostiqué un cancer, il est nécessaire que vous en sachiez davantage à propos de votre état et des options thérapeutiques qui s'offrent à vous. De quel type est mon cancer ? 

A quel stade en est-il ? 

Quelle chirurgie peut-on me proposer ? 

Quels sont les résultats connus des nouveaux traitements ?

Au-delà des questions générales, cet ouvrage pratique s'articule autour de questions/ réponses ciblées concernant les cancers les plus fréquents (cancer du sein, cancer du poumon, cancer de la prostate) et répertorie les principaux termes médicaux et législatifs en vigueur.

À l'heure où la santé est devenue une marchandise comme les autres, il est plus nécessaire que jamais de nourrir le colloque singulier médecin/patient en aidant les patients à devenir acteurs de leur propre santé.



Poussé par la publicité : le brevet de Ford ouvre la voie à l’écoute clandestine sur la route

Poussé par la publicité : le brevet de Ford ouvre la voie à l’écoute clandestine sur la route

 (Est-ce à cause de ses titres flamboyants que bill gates finance désormais de la pub pro-vaccin chez Politico ou est-ce que parce l'obligation vaccinale approche ? Politico est devenu une référence pour tous les analystes politiques. note de rené)

Politico Paints Zelensky As An 'Autocrat' On Very Day US Says Negative Coverage Is All RT's Fault

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden.   zerohedge
Saturday, Sep 14, 2024 - 07:25 PM

The below is not a Russian state media headline. 

Ironically on the very day that the Biden administration declared a global war on Russian state media and pro-Moscow 'influence campaigns', Politico published a rare piece directly going after President Zelensky, saying he's making terrible decisions and increasingly acting like an autocrat and power-hungry dictator. 

Of course, earlier in the war if any non-mainstream publication dared to issue similar warnings about what's really going on in Kiev, they were immediately put on the receiving end of severe pushback complete with loud denunciations of being 'pro-Kremlin' and somehow standing against NATO and democracy etc. etc. etc...

But now in mid-September 2024 here is no other than the ultra-establishment Politico bluntly highlighting Zelensky's "autocratic way of governing" while calling him "largely unaccountable" as he accrues an unprecedented level of power:

And unfortunately, the reshuffle is doing nothing to ease long-standing worries about Zelenskyy’s highly personalized and, according to some, autocratic way of governing — including his dependence on a clam-like inner circle of trusted friends and advisers within the presidential administration.

Accruing power and largely unaccountable, some of these individuals are unpaid and some have even been the focus of past graft probes.

Corruption in Ukraine? you don't say...

These were things that only a short while ago you weren't allowed to speak in public discourse, and when MSM publications did quietly take on the subject they typically cast US-backed Zelensky as some kind of crime-fighting anti-corruption hero who was going to clean the place up. It was the comforting narrative that the beltway echo chamber told itself while shoveling tens of billions of taxpayer money into Kiev's coffers.

Politico further comments on how Zelensky has recently booted even officials who were highly trusted and favored by the West: "Kuleba’s departure in particular is seen as yet another example of how Zelenskyy’s coterie ejects outliers who are ready to question and challenge," the publication writes.

"It’s in line with the earlier dismissal of armed forces commander General Valery Zaluzhny, who had clashed with Zelenskyy over war strategy and the need to mobilize many more to fight," the report continues. "Zaluzhny’s high favorability ratings didn’t endear him to a watchful and jealous presidential administration either."

But again, the ultimate irony in all this is that currently the world is being berated and lectured by a Biden administration which claims that if you ever say negative things about Ukraine or Zelensky, or anything so much as perceived as not being 'fully supportive' of the Zelensky government... then you must be some kind of paid Kremlin agent.

Oops... more from Politico: "Zelenskyy’s defenders say war requires a firm hand, and there’s no time for democratic niceties when battling a Russian autocrat who wants to erase Ukraine and doesn’t believe it should exist as a state. But while agreeing that the clamor of democracy shouldn’t be allowed to adversely affect Ukraine’s defense, Zelenskyy’s critics note that other wartime leaders took a markedly different approach." And of course, it's well known that Zelensky has canceled all future elections on an indefinite basis, in the name of martial law.

When the gatekeepers themselves begin to turn on the narrative, it's clear Washington has lost the plot. Perhaps that's why the US administration has begun to look more desperate, for example with its newly announced global war on RT News.


The Woke Plot To Destroy Our Economy

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden    zerohedge
Sunday, Sep 15, 2024 - 12:40 AM

Authored by Llewellyn Rockwell,

“Woke” people claim that they want to wake up racial and sexual minorities to the way they are being discriminated against. Because of past and present exploitation, blacks and other “protected” groups are not getting what rightfully belongs to them. The solution to this is that the better off, especially if they are white, should have their wealth and income seized and given to those they are exploiting.

The woke position rests on a fundamental fallacy. This is that there is a fixed amount resources, so that if the rich have more, the poor have less. But this is wrong. Resources in the free market are not a fixed sum. So long as the economy is growing, everybody can benefit. The ‘protected’ can do better without taking away what the rich have earned. The economist Paul Rubin, who died last month, gives a good account of the fallacy:

“Karl Marx called his system ‘scientific socialism’ Modern leftists advocate a similar ideology and call themselves ‘woke’ to indicate that they understand the world better than the rest of us. Yet the worldview of Marxists and woke leftists alike is fundamentally primitive.

Folk economics is the economics of people untrained in economics. It is the economic view of the world that evolved in our brains before the development of the modern economy. During this period of evolution, the economy was simple, with little specialization except by age and sex, no economic growth, no technological change, limited trade, little capital, and warfare between neighboring tribes.

Zero-sum thinking was well-adapted to this world. Since there was no economic growth, incomes and wealth didn’t grow. If one person had access to more food or other goods, or greater access to females, it was likely because of expropriation from others. Since there was little capital, a ‘labor theory of value’—the idea that all value is created by labor alone—would have been appropriate, and there was little need to protect capital through property rights. Frequent warfare encouraged xenophobia.

Adam Smith and other economists challenged this worldview in the 18th century. They taught that specialization of labor was valuable, that capital was productive, and that labor and capital could work together to increase income. They also showed that property rights needed protection, that members of other tribes or groups could cooperate through trade, that wealth could be created with the proper incentives, and that the creation of wealth would benefit everyone in a society, not only the wealthy. Most important, they showed that a complex economy could work with little or no central direction.

Marx’s economic system was based on the primitive worldview of our ancestors. For him, conflict rather than cooperation between labor and capital defined the economy. He thought that the wealthy became rich only by exploiting the poor, that all income came from labor, and that the economy needed central direction because he didn’t believe markets were good at self-correction. The collapse of the Soviet Union, the largest and most expensive social-science experiment ever conducted, proved Smith right and Marx wrong.

Members of the woke left want to return to policies based on this primitive economic thinking. One of their major errors is thinking that the world is zero-sum. That assumption drives identity politics, which sees, among other things, an intrinsic conflict between blacks and whites. The Black Lives Matter movement and Critical Race Theory foment racial antagonism and resurrect xenophobia. Leftists vilify ‘millionaires and billionaires’ like Bill Gates and Elon Musk as evil and exploitative. They should recognize them as productive entrepreneurs whose innovations benefit us all.

Dislike of the rich makes sense in a world where one can become rich only by exploiting others, but not in a society full of creativity and useful inventions. Changing tax laws to soak the rich makes sense with a labor theory of value, but not with a sophisticated understanding of continual investment and technological change.

Adopting counterproductive woke policies such as racial job quotas, high taxes, excessive regulation of business, and price controls on some goods may not send us all the way back to the subsistence economy of our ancestors. But if policies that penalize saving and investing and that involve excessive government control are adopted, social capital, wealth, and real income will decline. If we bow to this primitive ideology, there will be increased racial animosity and conflict, slow economic growth, and fewer inventions.”

You might raise an objection to this.

Even if the economy is growing, and the minorities can gain without taking resources from the rich, why should they be satisfied with what they get? Can’t they demand more of the growing economic pie? The answer is that doing this will hurt them, not help them. The way in which the economy grows is by capital accumulation, and the great bulk of this takes place through the investments of the well off. Confiscation of the income and wealth of the wealthy will slow down or stop the rate of economic growth. This will make the “protected” worse off. The great Ludwig von Mises proposes a thought experiment that brings out this point vividly:

"A law that prohibits any individual from accumulating more than ten million or from making more than one million a year restricts the activities of precisely those entrepreneurs who are most successful in filling the wants of consumers. If such a law had been enacted in the United States fifty years ago, many who are multimillionaires today would live in more modest circumstances. But all those new branches of industry which supply the masses with articles unheard of before would operate, if at all, on a much smaller scale, and their products would be beyond the reach of the common man. It is manifestly contrary to the interest of the consumers to prevent the most efficient entrepreneurs from expanding the sphere of their activities up to the limit to which the public approves of their conduct of business by buying their products.”

There is another way in which the woke movement undermines our economy, and this may be the most serious one of all. The conjuring up of grievances encourages blacks to hate whites. Being white is regarded by many left-wing revolutionaries as evil, and murderous violence will result from this.  As the great black economist Thomas Sowell points out:

“Although much of the media have their antennae out to pick up anything that might be construed as racism against blacks, they resolutely ignore even the most blatant racism by blacks against others.

That includes a pattern of violent attacks on whites in public places in Chicago, Denver, New York, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Kansas City, as well as blacks in schools beating up Asian classmates – for years – in New York and Philadelphia.

These attacks have been accompanied by explicitly racist statements by the attackers, so it is not a question of having to figure out what the motivation is. There has also been rioting and looting by these young hoodlums.”

Let’s do everything we can to counter the woke plot to destroy our economy and to encourage the free market economic policies of Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard. That is the way to a prosperous economy in which all groups can live in harmony.

 (La question se pose, troisième guerre mondiale, avant ou après l'élection américaine parce que si c'est trump, on peut respirer pendant 4 ans. note de rené)

Americans Can't Hide From Nuclear War, Moscow Warns As West Mulls Escalation

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden.   zerohedge
Sunday, Sep 15, 2024 - 02:11 AM

The Kremlin has issued yet more warnings following reports that the Biden administration could soon greenlight long-range attacks by Kiev forces on Russian territory using US-supplied arms.

Both the UK and Canada are on board, we reported earlier, and British Prime Minister Ken Starmer is visiting Washington where he's directly lobbying Biden to jump on board and grant Zelensky's urgent request to lift all restrictions on Western weaponry.

However, The New York Times suggests that saner minds are prevailing at this point. "President Biden’s deliberations with Prime Minister Keir Starmer of Britain about whether to allow Ukraine to attack Russia with long-range Western weapons were fresh evidence that the president remains deeply fearful of setting off a dangerous, wider conflict," the publication writes.

"war gaming" global nuclear conflict, via princeton.edu, Princeton Science and Global Security

Let's hope this is the case, given this is arguably the most dangerous moment and decision-point of the war to date. Pentagon leadership has recently stressed that granting the permission for long-range strikes will do little strategically to change the battlefield, where Russian momentum has continually gained in eastern Ukraine.

Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov on Friday added to prior Kremlin warnings, telling Rossiya 24 channel that he fears American leadership and the people are under "illusion".

He said they seem to think that "if there is a conflict, it will not spread to the territory of the United States of America."

Antonov continued by stressing that Americans can't hide from nuclear war if this unthinkable happens. "I am constantly trying to convey to them one thesis that the Americans will not be able to sit it out behind the waters of this ocean. This war will affect everyone, so we constantly say – do not play with this rhetoric," Antonov stated according to state media translation. 

As for UK PM Starmer's visit to Washington, The Wall Street Journal had earlier previewed that "While the final decision on Storm Shadow will be made by the U.K. government, British officials will ask for the Biden administration to weigh in because some components of the missiles are made in the U.S."

But based on NSC spokesman John Kirby's words as of Friday afternoon, Washington's policy has not changed and no permission has yet been given to Ukraine.

So far, Ukraine forces have pummeled sights across Russia with drones, but unleashing missiles in the area of Moscow oblast for example would take the war to a whole new level.

President Putin has warned that Russia would make no distinction between Ukraine forces and their NATO suppliers at that point. It won't matter which pulled the trigger.

 (Les australienss, ça doit être dans leurs gênes. Là, je suis tout pourri de dire un truc comme ça puisque les premiers colons étaient des bagnards. Alors, qu'aux Etats-Unis, ce sont d'abord des sectes messianiques opprimées en europe qui sont parties avec les juifs également opprimés en europe, bref que des gens qui se prennent pour le peuple élu chacun de leur côté, qui ont peuplé les USA en massacrant les indiens. Le grand remplacement comme ils nous font subir en ce moment dans tous les pays occidentaux ou ce qu'ils font avec le génocide du peuple palestinien. note de rené)

Dementia Drug Prescriptions Up 46 Percent Over A Decade In Australia

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden. zerohedge
Sunday, Sep 15, 2024 - 04:10 AM

Authored by Crystal-Rose Jones via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

Recorded cases of dementia, as well as deaths and prescriptions for the disease, are on the rise across Australia as the nation grapples with the effects of an ageing population.

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s Dementia in Australia report, released on Sept. 13, estimates that out of every 1,000 Australians, 15 are suffering from the neurodegenerative disease.

File photo of an elderly man dated May 18, 2017. Joe Giddens/PA Wire

Prescriptions for dementia drugs have increased 46 percent in a decade.

A total of 688,000 dementia medication prescriptions were dispensed to around 72,400 Australians aged 30 and over in 2022–23, compared to 472,000 scripts dispensed in 2013–14.

According to Dementia Australia, more than 100 different diseases can lead to dementia, with the disease commonly associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

While it mainly affects the aged, various forms of dementia can also affect children and younger people, depending on the cause.

Dementia is currently the second leading cause of death in Australia behind heart disease, with reported deaths from dementia rising steadily from 8,500 in 2009 to 17,899 in 2022.

The AIHW says improved reporting systems and greater dementia awareness could influence numbers. Nonetheless, figures for dementia deaths in Australia remain high.

The COVID pandemic has also been a significant factor in dementia deaths, according to the report, with sufferers more likely to suffer a fatal reaction to the virus.

Aged Care Demand

The report’s findings add weight to an already burgeoning aged care system in Australia, with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese recently unveiling a $10 billion (US$6.7 billion) aged care overhaul.

Figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in July showed that 17.1 percent of Australians were aged over 65.

The number of Australians older than 85 will triple over the next four decades.

Aged care is one of the biggest pressures on the budget, and without action, spending is expected to more than double as a share of GDP over the next 40 years.

The reforms, announced on Sept. 13, will invest more in-home care support to allow older people to stay home for longer.

The move could benefit aged care facilities by freeing up care for dementia sufferers who often have to move to monitored facilities.

In 2021–22, more than 242,000 people were living in permanent residential aged care, and more than half (54 percent or about 131,000) of these people had dementia.

The reforms, which have bipartisan support from the Liberal-National Coalition, include new standards to drive service quality, new protections for whistleblowers, and a new independent statutory complaints commissioner.

 (Je traduis en bon français, les pays avec une économie parmi les moins performantes ou en tout cas en perte de vitesse grave comme la Suède. note de rené)

These Are The 12 Countries Adding Millionaires At The Fastest Rate

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden. zerohedge
Sunday, Sep 15, 2024 - 04:45 AM

In this graphic, Visual Capitalist's Marcus Lu ranked the top 12 countries by their rate of millionaire population growth, from 2023 to 2028 (forecasted).

It reveals a variety of emerging markets (as well as a few developed economies) where the millionaire population is expected to increase by more than 20% over the next five years.

All figures come from the UBS Global Wealth Report 2024. Note that this analysis covers 56 countries, and is based on the number of U.S. dollar millionaires.

Data and Highlights

The data we used to create this infographic is listed in the table below.

Leading this ranking is Taiwan, which UBS expects will have over one million millionaires by 2028.

While organic growth is expected to account for some of its growth (primarily due to its powerful micro-chip industry), analysts expect the bulk of this increase will come from the immigration of wealthy foreigners.

In second place is Türkiye, with a projected 43% increase in millionaires by 2028. This could be due to various reasons, including the country’s growing tech sector.

According to the World Economic Forum, Turkey hosts six unicorn companies (startups valued at over $1 billion).

These are: Peak GamesGetirDream GamesHepsiburadaTrendyol and Insider (an AI tech company not related to the media company Insider Inc.).

Which Countries Will Lose Millionaires?

While this UBS analysis doesn’t cover the entire world, their report does highlight two countries that will lose millionaires by 2028: The Netherlands (-4%) and the UK (-17%).

These projections line up with recent data from Henley & Partners, which estimated that nearly 10,000 millionaires would leave the UK in 2024.

If you enjoyed this post, check out Visualizing All the World’s Millionaires for a different perspective on global wealth.

 (Elle, ella est passé devant elon musk, elle est déjà sur la planète Mars. C'est drôle, on dirait qu'elle s'est fait cramé les neurones par de la drogue. note de rené)

Watch: Kamala Harris Gives Trainwreck Answers To Simple Questions In First Solo Interview

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden.  zerohedge
Saturday, Sep 14, 2024 - 08:35 PM

One might think that weeks of debate prep with an actor playing Donald Trump would prepare Vice President Kamala Harris for a simple post-debate interview. One would be wrong.

On Friday, Harris gave her first interview since last week's debate - this time, instead of going with a major news network, she sat down with an ABC News affiliate in Philadelphia.

Despite several softball questions, Harris had absolutely no answer when reporter Brian Taft asked he about "one or two specific things" she'd do as president when it comes to "bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people."

"Well, I'll start with this," Harris began. "I grew up a middle-class kid. My mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard. She was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager. I grew up in a community of hardworking people. You know, construction workers and nurses and teachers. I try to explain to some people who might not have had the same experience, but a lot of people will relate to this."

She then kept going - spitting word salad all over the place.


Oh, and that's not what the station even aired:

As PJ Media notes further, the carnage didn't stop there - as Harris was unable to articulate how she's different from President Joe Biden.

"I wonder if there are one or two spots, policy areas or approaches, where you would say 'I'm a different person," Taft asked.

"Well, I'm obviously not Joe Biden," replied Harris, nervously. "And, umm, you know, I offer a new generation of leadership, For example, thinking about developing and creating an opportunity economy where it's about investing in areas that really need a lot of work and maybe focusing on, again, the aspirations and the dreams but also just recognizing that at this moment in time some of this stuff we could take for granted years ago, we can't take for granted anymore."

More 'problematic' moments for Harris: 

This queen is not slaying...

 (Eh oui, c'est aussi la fin de la royauté. Les migrants peuvent se loger dans son palais puisque le propriétaire va partir. note de rené)

La Grande-Bretagne sera le premier pays à être tué par le «net zero»

par Rhoda Wilson

Le parti travailliste n’est au pouvoir que depuis quelques semaines, mais il fait tout ce qu’il peut pour détruire ce qui reste du pays et nous faire entrer dans le monde du Net Zero. Et ils y parviendront très bien.

Alors que globalement ils nous poussent vers la Grande Réinitialisation via la douleur du Net Zéro, le monde touche à sa fin. Et la Grande-Bretagne sera le premier pays à mourir.

par le Dr Vernon Coleman

Tous ceux qui ont des compétences ou un peu d’argent quittent la Grande-Bretagne. La plupart des personnes très riches sont parties. Les touristes ne viennent pas au Royaume-Uni parce qu’ils savent qu’il n’y a pas de soins de santé et que le système de transport est défectueux. Bientôt, il ne restera plus que les profiteurs, les chômeurs de longue durée, les millions de personnes souffrant de fausses maladies telles que le covid long, les millions de personnes blessées par le vaccin contre le covid et les avions et bateaux remplis d’immigrants qui ne viennent pas en Grande-Bretagne parce qu’ils aiment Shakespeare, Dickens et Turner, mais parce que, bien qu’ils détestent la Grande-Bretagne et les Britanniques, notre gouvernement leur donne de l’argent gratuit à envoyer ou à ramener chez eux.

Le parti travailliste n’est au pouvoir que depuis quelques semaines, mais il fait tout ce qu’il peut pour détruire ce qui reste du pays et nous faire entrer dans le monde du Net Zero. Et ils y parviendront très bien.

Les salaires faramineux accordés aux travailleurs du secteur public signifient que l’inflation va grimper en flèche. Dans combien de temps les médecins en formation demanderont-ils 1 000 livres sterling de l’heure et une miche de pain coûtera-t-elle 500 livres sterling ? Vous pensez que cela ne peut pas arriver ? Regardez les livres d’histoire. Et les taux d’intérêt vont grimper en flèche, rendant la vie impossible à tous ceux qui achètent ou essaient d’acheter une maison. Vous ne posséderez rien et vous serez heureux. C’est ce qui est prévu.

Le départ de tous les gros salariés et contribuables entraînera la disparition d’un quart des recettes de l’État d’ici à 2025. (Au dernier décompte, 9 500 millionnaires étaient partis ou en train de partir à cause de la législation fiscale proposée ou menacée par les travaillistes. Beaucoup d’autres vont partir).

Les impôts augmenteront donc rapidement.

Et les contribuables qui resteront réduiront leur temps de travail pour réduire leur facture fiscale. Les avocats, les maçons, les électriciens, etc. commenceront tous à travailler des semaines de deux ou trois jours.

Les médecins réduisent déjà leur temps de travail pour réduire leurs impôts. Le médecin généraliste britannique moyen travaille aujourd’hui entre 23 et 24 heures par semaine. C’est du travail à temps partiel. Cela explique pourquoi il est plus facile de gagner à la loterie que d’obtenir un rendez-vous chez le médecin. Des millions de personnes mourront de maladies non diagnostiquées, mais cela fait également partie du plan «Net Zero».

Les nouvelles règles en matière d’emploi entraîneront la fermeture de petites entreprises, ce qui mettra des millions de personnes au chômage. Les employés ne seront pas obligés de se présenter au travail s’ils ne le souhaitent pas et il sera pratiquement impossible de licencier quelqu’un, aussi paresseux et inutile soit-il. Oh, non, désolé, c’est déjà le cas.

Les règles de location des maisons et des appartements sont si strictes que les propriétaires vendent aussi vite qu’ils le peuvent. Résultat : les prix des loyers vont grimper en flèche. N’est-ce pas étrange ? Pas de propriétaires, pas de biens à louer, des loyers plus élevés.

Les épargnants seront punis par de nouvelles taxes agressives. Et les retraités seront affamés et congelés à mort. Nombre d’entre eux réclameront la possibilité de s’inscrire au futur programme d’euthanasie du gouvernement.

Les taxes absurdes imposées aux producteurs de pétrole de la mer du Nord entraîneront un chômage massif et une hausse énorme du prix du carburant. La Grande-Bretagne va dépendre de l’importation d’arbres coupés et de gaz liquéfié en provenance des États-Unis d’Amérique. Quiconque pense que cela est meilleur pour l’environnement que d’extraire du pétrole de la mer du Nord est fou ou méchant, ou les deux à la fois.

Cela fait des années que je mets en garde contre tout cela. Et maintenant, c’est en train de se produire. Et c’est délibéré.

Et cela se produit partout, dans le monde entier.

L’excuse, bien sûr, est le réchauffement climatique – la fraude la plus grande et la plus absurde de l’histoire de l’humanité. (La comédie a atteint de nouveaux sommets la semaine dernière lorsque j’ai entendu dire que 2024 avait été le pire été depuis des années tout en étant l’été le plus chaud de l’histoire. On aurait pu penser qu’ils allaient se mettre d’accord sur une histoire, n’est-ce pas ?)

Des milliards ont été dépensés pour promouvoir des parcs éoliens et solaires qui consomment plus d’énergie qu’ils n’en produisent. Les gouvernements ont tellement de mal à trouver des acheteurs de voitures électriques qu’ils rationnent les « bonnes » voitures à essence et diesel.

La fin du monde approche, car ils nous poussent vers la Grande Réinitialisation par la douleur du Net Zéro. La Grande-Bretagne sera le premier pays à mourir.

Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur l’avenir, lisez le nouveau livre de Jack King : «Le Net Zéro vous détruira, vous et tout ce à quoi vous tenez».

Vous pouvez également faire l’autruche.

Ou attendez que votre sympathique généraliste commence à proposer des cliniques de «suicide assisté».

source : The Exposé via Marie-Claire Tellier