mardi 3 mai 2016

Ukrainian nationalists provoked a fight on Kulikovo Pole in Odessa

  • 141
Tuesday, May 3, 2016 - 09:27
Ukrainian nationalists provoked a fight in Odessa on the Kulikovo Pole, where residents gathered to honour those who had died in the House of Trade Unions on May 2, 2014. It was said by the journalist Valeria Ivashkina in her blog, reports The Politnavigator.
‘The Right sector came to the Kulikovo Pole and made a foul provocation. First Sternenko began to ask a journalist unknown to me whether he was working for Russia Today. He showed the certificate of another media. Then a guy came up to Sternenko and asked him to leave so as not to provoke people. Then there was a fight,’ wrote Ivashkina. 

DONi News Agency

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