jeudi 4 juillet 2024

 (Ceux dont on entend jamais parler. note de rené)

Not on our ancestral lands (Taïwan)

07/04/2024 10:58 PM
Not on our ancestral lands
 Focus Taïwan
Not on our ancestral lands

During a demonstration outside the Ministry of Environment in Taipei on Friday, a man from the Indigenous Pinaski village in Beinan Township, Taitung County, points at a map while explaining his opposition to plans for a hotel development on his community's ancestral lands. A panel of experts convened on the same day as part of an ongoing review of the environmental impact of the project. CNA photo July 4, 2024

Et à part ça, c'est quoi la température à Taïwan, pareil qu'en Syrie. note de rené)

Heat alerts issued as scorching temperatures reach up to 40.8°C

07/04/2024 06:20 PM

In Singsing District, Kaohsiung. CNA photo July 4, 2024
  Focus Taïwan
In Singsing District, Kaohsiung. CNA photo July 4, 20

Taipei, July 4 (CNA) The Central Weather Administration (CWA) recorded a temperature of 40.8 degrees Celsius in Kaohsiung on Thursday while other areas also experienced scorching conditions, prompting the authorities to issue heat alerts for most cities and counties across the country. (...)

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