lundi 20 mars 2023

 (C'est quoi l'union européenne, c'est soit tu t'alignes, soit on te crèves. Désormais, c'est une machine au service de l'idéologie perverse de la finance anglo-américaine pour détruire la paix et la prospérité. Quelques exemples, c'est quoi les chemtrails et l'ingénierie climatique, c'est l'armée américaine, c'est quoi l'histoire du covid, c'est la big pharma anglo-américaine et l'armée américaine, c'est quoi les révolutions de couleurs, c'est le deep state et les milliardaires américains comme soros pour provoquer des guerres civiles dans les pays cibles pour les détruire, c'est quoi la crise énergétique, c'est la volonté des multinationales pétrolières américaines de mettre la main sur le marché énergétique mondial, c'est quoi, c'est quoi, à travers tous les "c'est quoi" que vous pouvez poser, vous retrouverez un américain planqué en embuscade. Sans omettre de dire que tous "c'est quoi", ils l'ont expérimenté sur le peuple américain avant de nous les balancer. note de rené)

Hungarian PM Orbán: "Europe Suffers From War Psychosis"

Tyler Durden's Photo
BY TYLER DURDEN    zerohedge
MONDAY, MAR 20, 2023 - 11:30 AM

Via Remix News,

The main issue facing Europe today is war, which puts Hungary in a difficult situation, as the effects of war are severe and immediate, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at a meeting of the Organization of Turkic States summit in Ankara.

The prime minister stressed that, unfortunately, Europe was suffering from a “war psychosis,” with the continent drifting further into war day by day. Orbán thanked the leaders of the Turkish states for strengthening the voice of peace. Hungary — on account of its population’s Asian origins — is an honorary member of the Organization of Turkic States.

Orbán thanked Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who, he said, had so far been able to mediate successfully between the warring parties, and called on him to continue his efforts in the future.

“Only in this way can we have a chance for peace,” Orbán said. He also thanked the Turkish president for the fact that Hungary and Turkey could coordinate their work within NATO.

Hungary’s geographical proximity to the war has placed the issue of pursuing peace at the top of the agenda for Hungary, according to Orbán.

Ukraine is a neighboring state, and the effects of the war are therefore severe and direct, with inflation skyrocketing and energy prices at an all-time high,” he said, adding that “many Hungarians have now died in the war because men from the Hungarian community in western Ukraine are also being conscripted into the army.”

“For Hungary, the most important thing is to save human lives, and that is why we are advocating a ceasefire as soon as possible and peace negotiations.”

At the same time, the prime minister expressed the view that what is happening in Europe is more than just war, because in fact, “the whole of Europe is being reshuffled in terms of power relations,” and this will also have repercussions for Turkey.

He added that Hungary is also seeing another threat:

“There are processes going on in the world economy that could lead to a new global balance.”

He said that the segmentation of the world economy is against Hungary’s interests, and Hungary sees its future not in segmentation, but in acting in the collective interest and improving interconnectivity.

“The Turk states can play a key role in this, because here we are European, Caucasian and Central Asian countries connected to each other on the basis of mutual respect, setting a good example for the whole world,” the prime minister said in his speech.

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