samedi 18 mars 2023

 (Tiens, des officiers israéliens ne veulent pas que leur pays deviennent une tyrannie, respect. note de rené)

100 officers reject military services, protest against judicial overhaul

March 18, 2023 at 11:24 am | Published in: Middle East Monitor

March 18, 2023 at 11:24 am

Around 100 officers from a secret unit of the Israeli Air Force have threatened to stop military service if the government goes ahead with legislation limiting the power of the judiciary.

This came in a letter signed by the officers and sent to mass media. The Israeli newspaper Haaretzreported on Friday that the list of officers includes two former Air Force commanders.

"Our conscience may determine that we can no longer be part of the reserve service," the officers wrote, adding: "We feel afraid that taking part in the military service in light of the Constitutional changes that undermine Israeli democracy could be a breach our oath, our conscience and our mission."

READ: Germany asks Israel to reconsider plans for judiciary overhaul

According to Haaretz, hundreds of officers and commanders from different units announced on Thursday that they would cease their military services as reservists starting Sunday in protest against the judicial overhaul.

"We do not have a contract with a dictator," they conveyed in a letter sent to the media. "We will happily return to our voluntary work as soon as democracy is guaranteed."

These letters were among several similar ones signed and issued by

hundreds of Israeli officers and commanders from the Israeli military and intelligence services.

READ: Civil war is a real threat for Israel, president warns

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