mardi 31 janvier 2023

Viande et lait. La pénurie annoncée. Terrible. 800 000 vaches en moins e... (France. La viande viendra du Brésil, d'Argentine, de Pologne, elle devait venir aussi d'Ukraine, mais, c'est raté. Devinez à qui appartiennent les fermes industrielles. note de rené)

Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 31.01.2023

Parents need to hear this... (USA)

St-Marseille en direct (site Québec-Canada)

Le Président biélorusse Alexandre Loukachenko se rend pour la première f...

Les troupes russes poursuivent leur assaut dans l'est de l'Ukraine

Réunion bonsens (site France-Au sujet du covid)

 (Au service de la big pharma, c'est ça que cela veut dire ? note de rené)

Le gouvernement britannique a surveillé les tweets de journalistes et de politiciens de premier plan qui critiquaient la politique de Covid

Un nouveau rapport révèle des niveaux alarmants de surveillance des dissidents.

Selon des rapports compilés par des militants de la protection de la vie privée et des droits numériques, le Royaume-Uni est un autre pays où le gouvernement a surveillé secrètement les citoyens critiques à l’égard des restrictions de Covid.

Lisez le rapport ici.

Sous le titre « Ministry of Truth: The secretive government units spying on your speech » (Ministère de la vérité : les unités secrètes du gouvernement qui espionnent votre discours), Big Brother Watch explique en détail comment le gouvernement britannique a engagé des contractants pour signaler les tweets montrant des doutes sur la pertinence de l’approche de la pandémie.

L’objectif était de dresser une liste de tweets de personnalités connues, notamment d’universitaires, de politiciens, d’activistes et de journalistes, et de les placer dans la catégorie « désinformation » des conditions de service de Twitter, spécifiques au Covid.

Le gouvernement britannique et ses sous-traitants ont signalé les tweets de journalistes et d’hommes politiques très en vue et les ont placés dans un rapport sur les conditions de service « Covid-19 Mis/Disinformation ». L’objectif de ce rapport semble être de permettre au gouvernement de dresser des listes de violations potentielles des ToS de Twitter.

Parmi les personnes visées figurent le député David Davis et la journaliste Julia Hartley-Brewer (pour avoir critiqué la modélisation du gouvernement), trois députés conservateurs pour avoir rejoint Parler, Julia Hartley-Brewer pour avoir critiqué le confinement, Julia Hartley-Brewer, Silkie Carlo, Mark Johnson (Big Brother Watch) et Adam Brooks (propriétaire de pub et commentateur politique, visé pour avoir critiqué les passeports vaccinaux), révèle le rapport.

Le gouvernement britannique a également envisagé de signaler les messages de Toby Young sur Twitter, tandis que Peter Hitchens et le journaliste du Daily Mail Ross Clark ont été ciblés pour avoir critiqué les confinements, tout comme Keir Starmer, Andy Burnham, le député Chris Green ont été ciblés pour avoir critiqué les réglementations échelonnées et les confinements locaux. Starmer est le chef du parti travailliste et Andy Burnham est le maire de Manchester.

Les pages 19-20 montrent la journaliste Julia Hartley-Brewer prise pour cible pour avoir critiqué les confinements.

Les pages 21 à 24 montrent Julia Hartley-Brewer, Silkie Carlo, Mark Johnson (Big Brother Watch), Adam Brooks (propriétaire de pub et commentateur politique), pris pour cible pour avoir critiqué les passeports vaccinaux.

Le gouvernement britannique a envisagé de signaler plusieurs fois les tweets de Toby Young à Twitter. Pages 27-28.

Les pages 40-41 montrent ou décrivent Peter Hitchens et le journaliste du Daily Mail Ross Clark pris pour cible pour avoir critiqué les confinements.

Les pages 43-45 montrent ou décrivent Keir Starmer, Andy Burnham, le député Chris Green pris pour cible pour avoir critiqué les réglementations étagées et les confinements locaux.

Il semble que, contrairement à ce qui s’est passé aux États-Unis, où la collusion et la surveillance étaient plus générales, au Royaume-Uni, l’accent a été mis – du moins selon les preuves qui viennent d’être révélées – sur les « faiseurs d’opinion » potentiels, ou du moins sur les personnes considérées comme capables d’influencer la position du grand public, que les autorités semblent avoir désespérément voulu voir se conformer à leur ligne de conduite sur Covid.

Cela ne veut pas dire que les gens « ordinaires » n’étaient pas concernés.

Diverses unités, dont certaines ont reçu le soutien de la 77e brigade, autrement impliquée dans la guerre de l’information, ont effectué le travail. L’enquête et le rapport qui en résulte s’appuient sur le témoignage d’un dénonciateur de cette unité de l’armée, dont les révélations montrent que les généraux de haut rang ont effectivement menti lorsqu’ils ont affirmé que le public britannique n’était pas espionné par son armée.

Big Brother écrit que le dénonciateur « lève le voile sur ‘l’analyse des sentiments’ menée par la 77e brigade, qui visait à déterminer comment les gens considéraient la gestion de la pandémie par le gouvernement ».

En outre, le rapport est basé sur un certain nombre de demandes de liberté d’information.

D’après tout cela, l’implication était assez vaste : l’unité de lutte contre la désinformation (couvrant la réponse du gouvernement du ministère du numérique, de la culture, des médias et du sport, ainsi que l’unité de réponse rapide du Cabinet Office). Sans oublier la cellule d’information gouvernementale du Foreign Office et l’unité de recherche, de renseignement et de communication du Home Office.

« Il s’agit d’un cas alarmant de détournement de mission, où l’argent public et même la puissance militaire ont été utilisés à mauvais escient pour surveiller les universitaires, les journalistes, les militants et les membres du parlement qui ont critiqué le gouvernement, en particulier pendant la pandémie », a déclaré le directeur de Big Brother Watch, Silkie Carlo.

Lire aussi : Dr Thomas Binder – Ils m’ont envoyé dans un hôpital psychiatrique suisse pour avoir mis en garde contre les confinements de Covid…

Source : Reclaim The Net – Traduit par Anguille sous roche

 (C'est une comète, ça se voit pas ? Il n'y en pas beaucoup qui reviennent de temps en temps. Il faut dater et voir si ça correspond à l'époque. note de rené)

Les archéologues n’ont aucune idée de ce que représente ce curieux glyphe et ont besoin de votre aide

Archéologues amateurs, c’est votre moment !

Le Nessglyphe peut représenter un être cornu brandissant une arme. Crédit image : Shropshire Council

L’histoire ancienne est pleine de gens qui font des choses bizarres, ce qui est une bonne nouvelle pour les archéologues à la recherche d’artefacts intéressants ou des restes d’étranges rituels archaïques. De temps en temps, cependant, les chercheurs découvrent quelque chose qui les laisse complètement abasourdis, comme cela semble être le cas pour une équipe de scientifiques en Angleterre.

L’été dernier, alors qu’ils fouillaient un site appelé Nesscliffe Hill, les chercheurs sont tombés sur une figure inhabituelle gravée dans un grès rouge. Après avoir baptisé leur découverte le Nessglyphe, l’équipe demande maintenant au public de suggérer ce qu’elle pourrait représenter.

Constituée d’un cercle évidé et de quelques lignes droites, la gravure semble avoir été créée à l’aide d’une sorte d’instrument métallique, bien que les archéologues qui ont découvert la relique n’aient aucune idée de qui l’a fabriquée ou pourquoi. Tout ce que l’on sait actuellement, c’est que Nesscliffe Hill était autrefois le site d’une forteresse de l’âge du fer, avant d’être occupée par les Romains.

Le mystérieux Nessglyphe. Crédit image : Shropshire Council

« La forme de coupe circulaire et les lignes droites indiquent deux types de technologie différents, le meulage et la sculpture », a expliqué le Dr Paul Reilly de l’Université de Southampton dans un communiqué. Après être retourné sur le site pour reprendre les fouilles qui ont commencé en 2019, Reilly et son collègue, le Dr Gary Lock de l’Université d’Oxford, sont tombés sur le glyphe dans un fossé qui avait été initialement exploré dans les années 1950 et remblayé par la suite.

« Nous pouvons spéculer que le Nessglyph est figuratif, le cupmark étant la tête », a déclaré Reilly. « Il a deux longues cornes et deux petites cornes, une ligne centrale du corps et deux bras, l’un tenu vers le haut et l’autre vers le bas, celui vers le haut montrant une possible main tenant une pipe ou une arme. »

Cependant, depuis le lancement d’un appel à suggestions, l’équipe a été inondée d’interprétations alternatives de la part de personnes du monde entier. S’adressant à la BBC, Reilly a révélé que « les gens ont suggéré que nous devions faire tourner la pierre et qu’elle pourrait représenter une femme enceinte, d’autres ont suggéré que le personnage tient une arme, d’autres, un outil quelconque, et même qu’il pourrait s’agir d’un archer ».

« Il est également intéressant de noter que Nesscliffe se trouve dans le territoire putatif des Cornovii, un nom qui a été suggéré pour faire référence aux ‘cornus’. Il est possible qu’il y ait un lien avec un culte de la divinité cornue dans l’armée romaine, comme le montrent plusieurs sites militaires en Grande-Bretagne », a-t-il ajouté.

L’énigme n’étant toujours pas résolue, les archéologues encouragent toute personne ayant des informations, des connaissances ou même une intuition sur ce que le Nessglyphe pourrait représenter à les contacter.

Si vous pensez avoir percé le mystère, envoyez vos réflexions à Paul Reilly à ou à Gary Lock à

Lire aussi : La plus ancienne pierre runique du monde découverte en Norvège énonce un mot mystérieux

Source : IFLScience – Traduit par Anguille sous roche

 (La guerre avec la Chine est donc programmé avec participation active de l'Otan. Mais, est-ce que les américains en utilisant les pays européens comme force de frappe auront-ils le temps de liquider la fédération de Russie ? note de rené)


Top Lawmaker Responds To General's Memo On 2025 War With China: "I Think He's Right"

Tyler Durden's Photo
BY TYLER DURDEN  zerohedge
TUESDAY, JAN 31, 2023 - 04:20 AM

Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) said that he believes a prediction made by four-star Air Force Gen. Mike Minihan that the United States will go to war with China in 2025 is correct.

The aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson participates in a group sail during the Rim of the Pacific exercise off the coast of Hawaii, July 26, 2018. (Petty Officer 1st Class Arthurgwain L. Marquez/U.S. Navy via AP)

A memo issued by the general, according to NBC News, said that “I hope I am wrong .. my gut tells me we will fight in 2025″ about the potential conflict. He added that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will be looking closely at Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election that might prompt leader Xi Jinping to escalate military aggression against the region.

Xi secured his third term [as CCP general secretary] and set his war council in October 2022. Taiwan’s presidential elections are in 2024 and will offer Xi a reason,” Minihan wrote. The 2024 U.S. presidential elections would also create a “distracted America” that could benefit the Chinese regime, he said.

Xi’s team, reason, and opportunity are all aligned for 2025,” the general reportedly said. Copies of his memo circulated online over the weekend, and The Epoch Times has contacted the Air Force for comment.

On Sunday, McCaul, the head of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told Fox News that he believes the general’s prediction is accurate. “I hope he’s wrong,” McCaul told “Fox News Sunday.” “I think he’s right though, unfortunately.”

McCaul said that the CCP wants to take control over Taiwan, which he suggested could take place via influencing the island nation’s elections early next year. Adding further, he claimed that the current administration is “projecting weakness” that will create an avenue for the CCP to take military action.

“But if they don’t win in that one they are going to look at a military invasion, in my judgment,” he said. “We have to be prepared for this.”

House Foreign Affairs Committee ranking member Rep. Mike McCaul (R-Texas) questions U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken during a hearing in the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill in Washington on April 28, 2022. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

However, a top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee disagreed with both McCaul and Minihan’s assessment about a potential war with China in the near term.

“I want to be completely clear. It’s not only not inevitable, it’s highly unlikely,” Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) told Fox News on Sunday, noting that “anything is possible” and that “generals should be cautious.”


Writing in response to the memo, retired U.S. Navy Adm. James Stavridis, former Supreme Allied Commander for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, wrote on Twitter that he doesn’t believe a war with China will happen soon.

“The job of the military is always to be ready to fight, but in my view, odds of a war with China are decreasing not increasing at the moment. The reason? President Xi is watching the Russian debacle in Ukraine and will likely be more cautious as a result,” he wrote.

A spokesperson for the Air Mobility Command, which Minihan commands, told news outlets on Jan. 27 that the memo about a war with China is real.

“This is an authentic internal memo from General Minihan addressed to his subordinate command teams. His order builds on last year’s foundational efforts by Air Mobility Command to ready the Mobility Air Forces for future conflict, should deterrence fail,” the spokesperson said.

Read more here...

 (Qu'est-ce qui accompagne la marche du nouvel ordre mondial ?

-le mouvement LGBT

-le wokisme

-les mouvement gauchistes récupérés et les associations manipulées

-la désinformation et la création de fake news

-la stigmatisation des opposants

-la montée de la pédophilie

-le satanisme ou le culte de baal

-les crises ou urgences qui détruisent l'économie et le pouvoir d'achat

-la fabrication du consentement par médias interposés

-la fin planifiée des états

-les pénuries

-le contrôle social et la mise sous tutelle des comptes bancaires

-la militarisation des forces de l'ordre

-la destruction des services publiques et des administrations

-la mise sous tutelles des services de sécurité étatiques

-la guerre

je dois en avoir oublié à vous la main

note de rené)

Victor Davis Hanson: The Radical Left Is The Establishment

Tyler Durden's Photo
BY TYLER DURDEN  zerohedge
TUESDAY, JAN 31, 2023 - 05:40 AM

Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via,

Anarchy, American-Style

The Left runs Oceania, and we work for their various bureaus...

The 1960s revolution was both anarchic and nihilist. But it was waged against—not from—the establishment. Hippies and the Left either attacked institutions or, in Timothy Leary fashion, chose to “turn on, tune in, drop out” from them.

The current revolution is much different—and far more dangerous—for at least three reasons.

The Establishment Is the Revolution

The current Left has no intention of “dropping out.” Why would it? 

It now controls the very institutions of America that it once mocked and attacked—corporate boardrooms, Wall Street, state and local prosecuting attorneys, most big-city governments, the media, the Pentagon, network and most of cable news, professional sports, Hollywood, music, television, K-12 education, and academia. 

In other words, the greatest levers of influence and power—money, education, entertainment, government, the news, and popular culture—are in the hands of the Left. They have transformed legitimate debate over gay marriage into a hate crime. Transgenderism went from a modern manifestation of ancient transvestism or gender dysphoria to a veritable litmus test of whether one was good or evil.

Students have no need to jam administrators’ offices because the latter, themselves, are as radical as the protestors and often lead them on in a top-down fashion. Had they not long ago demonstrated they were perfectly willing to subvert meritocracy, free expression, and equality under the law, they would not be occupying their present positions.

Apple, Google, Facebook, and other tech companies are not 1980s and 1990s “alternative” media geeks and hipsters creating neat gadgets for the people. They are not Steve Jobs and his pugnacious Apple battling the evil Microsoft or IBM, or the Macintosh commercial of 1984 depicting a maverick throwing a hammer into Big Brother’s screen. They are the Orwellian screen.

The current generation of techies is effectively Stalinist. Big Tech now colludes with the FBI, the Democratic Party, and the bureaucratic state to suppress free expression, warp balloting, and serve as contractors of government surveillance. Currently, the most totalitarian people in America are likely to wear flip flops, have a nose ring or pink hair, and disguise their fascism with ’60s-retread costumes.

There are no “armies of the night” marching on the Pentagon. Would-be demonstrators see no need, since radical identity politics, and gay, woke, and transgendered agendas are fast-tracked by the Department of Defense. 

There are no protests against the Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau or the “La Migra” anymore by advocates of illegal immigration, because the Left owns the border. And it has utterly destroyed it. There is no border, no border enforcement, and no meaningful immigration law. As many as 6 million illegal entries during the first two years of the Biden Administration are proof enough of that. 

There are no cutting-edge Lenny Bruces or Mort Sahls fighting state censorship because entertainers accept that 1) there are no impediments to vulgarity or pornographic expression, but 2) no comic or commentator dares to take on the diversity, equity, and inclusion woke industry because he assumes he would be crushed, and his career ruined. 

Question the woke status quo, and one is not canonized in Vanity Fair or Rolling Stone as a fighter against the “uptight establishment” or “the man” as in the past, but now demonized as a racist purveyor of “hate speech” and enemy of the people.

The Left does not despise the FBI. It lauds it. And the bureau is no longer consumed with tracking down violent criminals and terrorists. Instead, it has become an enemy of parents worried about school indoctrination, or a retrieval service for lost first-family classified papers, laptops and diaries, or a Washington, D.C., cadre knee-deep in big money politics. 

FBI agents are praised on left–wing media—given they have been activist conspirators who sought to destroy conservative candidates, deleted subpoenaed data, lied to federal investigators or committees while under oath, colluded with Russian oligarchs, doctored court evidence, and paid foreign nationals to compile campaign dirt on American citizens.

There are no longer calls for a “three strikes” solution to violent crime as in the past, or talk of adopting the successful, time-tried “broken windows” theories of law enforcement, because there is no enforcement to modulate. The debate is no longer over enforcing the law, because de facto there is no law.

The new legal establishment has replaced the old by simply nuking centuries of jurisprudence. Violent repeat criminal offenders injure and maim innocents in the morning and are released by noon to prey again—themselves baffled that the state is even crazier than they are.

Note in the 2020-2021 riots, almost no one temporarily arrested was tried, despite $2 billion in damages, upwards of 40 violent deaths, the 1,500 injured law enforcement officers, and the torching of a courthouse, police precinct, and historic Washington, D.C., church. Instead, they were lauded by a mayor as participants in a “summer of love.” Seattle and Washington simply ceded city property to the violent protestors as if they occupied it by right of their superior morality.

The summation of the entire sordid summer was the CNN chyron assuring America that the protests on their screens were “mostly peaceful” as flames shot up to the sky in the background. In the 1960s, rioters forced social welfare concessions—or else!—on the establishment. Today the establishment welcomes urban unrest as an excuse to implement agendas that in normal times would be unpalatable.

In sum, we are living in anarchy, as institutions themselves have become nihilistic and weapons of the revolution. The Left, in viral fashion, took over the DNA of America’s institutions, and used them to help destroy their creators.

If we are bewildered why Harvard law-graduate prosecutors let out violent criminals just hours after their arrests; or why hyper-rich, pampered athletes who live in near-apartheid enclaves  insult the flag, ignore the National Anthem, and sloganeer woke platitudes, it is because they were taught to undermine the status quo by fundamentally becoming it. 

In our present anarchy, $7 a dozen eggs are affordable. Unaffordable gas prices become merely necessary “transitions” to fossil fuels. A “secure” border means there is none. Natural gas must be banned because it supposedly causes asthma. Tens of thousands of homeless defecate, urinate, inject, and fornicate in the increasingly vacant downtowns of Los Angeles and San Francisco, as the Golden Bear state, California, discusses reintroducing Grizzly bears. 

Cars and yards are evil, elevators, high-rises, and buses sacred. There are 81 genders (and counting), with even more names for them. “Racist” is our exclamation point, fillip, a mere add-on emphatic. Everything from SAT tests to obesity to working out is racist. When little is racist, then everything must become racist.

Batter someone to a pulp and you are out of jail in six hours; claim an election was suspicious and you can be in there for six months or more. Proven merit is a pejorative. Grades are deemed useless by those who could never earn As. Boilerplate equity oaths are the best guide to hiring, retention, and admission. The ACLU or the Anti-Defamation League exist only to spot the incorrect kind of censorship and the wrong kind of antisemitism.

Macintosh Becomes MacBeth

The second contribution to the present anarchy is big tech, which speeds up the revolution and spreads it broadly. Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four was predicated not just on the Sovietization of the state, but the electronically ubiquitous and near instantaneous means by which the apparat ensures its dominance. One of the strangest things about the Left is that it no longer warns of 1984 but emulates it.

How the Left became synonymous with the Internet, social media, mobile phones, pads, and laptops is a long story. But let it be said the Left, and not conservatives, have mastered them all. It has manipulated high tech to change the way we vote, access information, communicate, consume the news, buy, and sell, and express ourselves. In sum, they run Oceania and we work for their various bureaus.

Our tech complex has combined the ethos of the 19th-century monopoly with the Chinese Communist system of mass ideological manipulation. The result is that the old Twitter or Facebook mob can ruin a career in a nanosecond. Google can manipulate the order of search results to render you a clueless Winston Smith bewildered by the alternate “reality” that pops up on your computer screen. 

Wikipedia is pseudo-official falsification. Trotskization relied on scissors and paste; cancel culture can end you by a split-second use of the delete button—and erase you to 7 billion on the planet.

Big Money, Big Woke 

Globalization hollowed out the red-state interior and enriched the blue bicoastal elite. Wealth in mining, farming, construction, manufacturing, and assembly became dwarfed by riches of investment, high tech, social media, law, insurance, and real estate. The former were the up-by-the boot straps conservatives, the latter one day rich and the next moment through hype, investment, and venture capital, richer than anyone in the history of civilization.

The wealthiest ZIP codes and congressional districts are blue, not red. Most of the Fortune 400 billionaires are left-wing. So, there is no ’60s-style talk about the evils of corporations and the supposedly idle rich, none of the old conspiracy theories about Anaconda Copper, ITT, or the Rockefellers. 

The corporations are the Left and in service to it. Disney, American Airlines, and Nike are revolutionary icons, always ready to divest, cancel, fire, hire, and propagandize in service to woke commissars. That they are terrified by tiny bullies who have no constituencies is true, but then a Robespierre, Lenin, and Mao had initially no broad support either—at least before each mastered the use of terror and fright.

In our anarchy, “dark money” like Mark Zuckerberg’s $419 million cash infusion into the 2020 balloting processes is now suddenly good, given it is almost all leftwing. Democrats outraise Republicans in campaign contributions by anywhere from three- to five-to-one. Bundling is noble.

Netflix can buy the brand name of the Obamas for $100 million; George Soros can spend his pocket change of $40 million to elect district attorneys to destroy the law and empower criminals. Jimmy Carter used to be the poor-man idol of the old Democratic Party. Today, there is hardly a Democratic president, ex-president, or presidential candidate who is not a multi-multimillionaire—most by leveraging their heightened political profile.

What anarchy we live in when the richest among us are the most radical and wish to destroy for all others what they enjoy. 

John Kerry lectures us on climate change from his private jet. Your leaf blower, not his Gulfstream GIV-SP, is the global threat. Al Gore screams about the evils of carbon emissions—after pocketing $100 million by selling his failed and worthless cable station to smoky and sooty Qatar, fronting for the antisemitic Al Jazeera. 

The Clintons feel the pain of the poor all the way to their $100 million fortune from shakedown lectures, Wall Street, “consulting,” and “foundation” contributions. Van Jones, CNN expert, the object of Valerie Jarrett’s oohing and awing, famous for his “whitelash” exegeses, and recipient of a $100 million Bezos award, now lectures us that the five rogue black policemen in Memphis, who beat to death a black suspect, are still proof of white racism that accounts for blacks belittling the lives of blacks. 

In our present anarchy, we take seriously the lectures on microaggressions from the Duchess of Montecito. The Obamas weigh in on the dangers of climate change and rising seas from their seaside, multimillion-dollar Martha’s Vineyard estate, or Hawaii beachfront mansion that apparently has an invisible climate-change barrier on its beach. Kamala Harris is our border czar who assures us it is “secure,” defined by 5 million illegal entries since she took office.

Nancy Pelosi works for the “children” and, after a life in politics, that selflessness ends up worth $100 million from her husband’s insider real estate deals and stock tips. It is almost as if socialist Bernie Sanders owned three homes, or anti-capitalist Elizabeth Warren was once a house flipper.

So, the current revolution is anarchy, utter confusion, pure chaos. 

Every time one turns on a computer, there will be someone or something somewhere ideologically warping its use. Your vote means nothing when California cannot account for 10 million automatically, computer-guided mailed-out ballots. That state is still in a drought, defined by releasing most of the water to the ocean that the wettest winter in memory produced. 

Stanford students talk revolution, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter, and want to forbid the use of “American.” But from the look of their parking lots, they cannot decide whether Lexus, BMW, or Mercedes should be the most preferred campus car. Oprah and Whoopi suffer terribly from white supremacy. Jussie the foot soldier heroically took on one MAGA thug for each of his foot kicks.  

“Don’t take off your mask” at a California McDonald’s means the man who ordered that edict is maskless at the French Laundry. “Don’t get your hair done during the lockdown” means the architect of that fiat sneaks around her salon, which she has all to herself.

The common denominator to the anarchy? The hardcore Left is your FBI, CIA, and Justice Department all in one. It is Nineteen Eighty-Four. It is our era’s J. P. Morgan. 

No wonder we are confused by the establishment anarchists and the anarchy they produce.