samedi 12 novembre 2022

 (Aider les noirs avec la bouffe la plus merdique, ça, ce sont les USA. Mais, bon quand tu n'as rien d'autre à manger, tu avales avec reconnaissance, surtout si tu as des enfants à nourrir. Va-t-en revenir à l'époque du petit Poucet où les parents en pouvant les nourrir les abandonnaient dans la forêts. Bien que là, il s'agirait de les abandonner dans des quartiers éloignés. A des époques, on sacrifiait les enfants pour que les adultes survivent pour pouvoir un jour en refaire d'autres. Et cela, à notre époque, pour que les très riches puissent continuer à vivre dans l'opulence. note de rené)

Corporate America Bombards Black People With Junk Food Ads

Tyler Durden's Photo
BY TYLER DURDEN    zerohedge
SATURDAY, NOV 12, 2022 - 03:20 AM

A new study reveals corporate America disproportionately targets Black and Hispanic consumers with junk food, such as candy, sugary drinks, snacks, and fast food, more than any other race. 

The Rudd Center for Food and Policy Health at the University of Connecticut found Black youth and adults were subjected to 21% more junk food ads than their white counterparts. Researchers said corporate America boosted their advertising budgets on Spanish-speaking television stations as a total proportion of their ad budget.

As the advertising industry drastically changes, companies are embracing celebrities and influencers to promote their products on television and social media. Researchers said advertisers hired celebrities from Black and Hispanic communities to encourage young people of color to purchase junk food. 

Many of these celebrities are idolized by consumers and will mimic their trends, even if that's unhealthy eating habits. 

In the midst of the worst obesity epidemic this nation has ever faced, corporate America employs an army of influencers to bombard people of color with ads for junk food. Data shows nearly 20% of all children are obese, and rates are much higher among children of color: 26.2% of Hispanic children and 24.8% of Black children. This is compared with 16.6% of white children. 

Here are some of those ads: 

Eating junk food is linked to a higher risk of obesity, depression, digestive issues, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and early death. Some scientists warn that highly-processed foods should be reclassified as a "drug" because they are as addictive and harmful as cigarettes, according to Daily Mail

People should question the motives behind corporate America disproportionately targeting communities of color with junk food. Perhaps, there's more to the story than just sales... 

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