dimanche 1 mai 2016


Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
1st May, 2016

According to him, an additional ~1000 security forces have been pulled together on the anniversary of the tragic events of 2014 in Odessa.

The Governor of Odessa region of Ukraine said that the security forces, who have been tightened in recent days in Odessa on the eve of the anniversary of the tragedy on May 2nd, 2014, have not received orders to, if necessary, open fire on protesters.

"I can officially can say that no representatives of the Interior Ministry have issued instructions about shooting to kill, and things like that. This is absolutely unacceptable to make such statements. The authorities must exercise absolute restraint," said Saakashvili, quoted by the TV channel "112 Ukraine".

Thus, the Governor denied the words of the adviser to the Interior Minister Zorjan Shkirjak, who stated the willingness of the police to fire on "armed provocateurs".

According to Saakashvili, an additional thousand national guard soldiers and police were brought to Odessa.

"In general we expect that about 3,000 police officers and national guardsmen will maintain order tomorrow during the anniversary of the tragic events," the Governor said.

As a reminder, after clashes in Odessa between supporters of Euromaidan and anti-Maidan on May 2nd, 2014, 48 people were killed and more than 200 were injured. Most of them burned in the House of Trade Unions.

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