La mégère climatique
Nord de la France, région Picardie
8 heures 60, 3°C extérieur, 15°C à l'intérieur, ciel terne, uniforme tout couvert, pas de vent, ça continue à baisser.
une feuille pour commenter la vie et tous ses acteurs.
(Beaucoup de juifs qui veulent pendre ceux qui critiquent Israël en europe ou en Amérique ont fait leur service militaire en Israël où ils ont oppressé des palestiniens et violenté les femmes et les enfants dans les territoires occupés, il ne faudrait pas l'oublier. note de rené)
Pregnant Palestinian woman stabbed to death in Israel
Disturbing footage shows a settler attacking a pregnant Palestinian mother on her way to dropping her kids to school in the city of Lod. The attacker stabs her multiple times and gets into a getaway car leaving her to bleed before her children’s eyes. She was reported dead shortly after.
November 30, 2023 at 12:08 pm Middle East Monitor
Released, Ahed Tamimi says women in Israel's jails are beaten, left with no water or clothes
Ahed Tamimi, recently released from Israeli prison, sheds light on the dire circumstances inside and emphasises the daily humiliation still faced by 30 women prisoners. The lack of essentials, including food, water, and blankets, paints a grim picture. Tamimi also reveals threats involving her father's imprisonment. Tamimi said that 10 more female prisoners arrived from Gaza leaving their children behind in the streets and that their situation is dire.
November 30, 2023 at 1:48 pm Middle East Monitor
Palestinian resistance icon Ahed Tamimi has been released as part of the sixth batch of a prisoner swap deal between Israel and Hamas.
Speaking to the press today she said at least ten jailed women from the Gaza Strip are held in a poor condition by Israel.
The 23-year-old activist said that “the joy [of freedom] is greatly diminished due to the massacres that were committed in the Gaza Strip.”
“We left behind about 30 jailed women, including ten from the Gaza Strip, who were arrested in the recent Israeli ground operation [which began on 27 October] and their situation is very bad,” she said.
Tamimi went on to say: “The circumstance in the prison is very difficult, with daily abuse against female prisoners. They are left without water or clothes, sleeping on the floor and being beaten.”
“The Israeli authorities threatened me with [targeting] my father if I spoke about anything that happens in prison. Despite everything, we are stronger than the occupation. We will continue [resisting] until freedom,” she added.
In October, Israeli forces detained the activist’s father from his home in the town of Nabi Saleh, west of Ramallah city, in the occupied West Bank. He is still in prison.
On 6 November, Israeli occupation forces detained Ahed after searching her house and confiscating the family’s mobile phones.
WATCH: Pregnant Palestinian woman stabbed to death in Israel
(Agence Ecofin) - Alors que la demande mondiale de lithium devrait se multiplier par six d’ici 2035, l’exploitation de ce minerai critique en Afrique risque de profiter essentiellement à des compagnies minières étrangères et à des élites locales corrompues.
L’exploitation du lithium en Afrique alimente la corruption, ne profite pas aux économies des pays producteurs et cause de graves torts aux communautés locales, selon un rapport publié 14 novembre par Global Witness, une ONG spécialisée dans la lutte contre le pillage des ressources naturelles des pays en développement et la corruption politique qui l'accompagne.
Intitulé « A rush for Lithium in Africa risks fuelling corruption and failing citizens », ce rapport se base sur des enquêtes menées par Global Witness dans trois mines de lithium au Zimbabwe, en Namibie et en République démocratique du Congo.
Les creuseurs exploités
Au Zimbabwe, quelque 5000 mineurs artisanaux se sont rués vers la mine de Sandawana, un ancien gisement d’émeraudes désaffecté où d’importantes quantités de lithium ont été découvertes, pour extraire « l’or blanc » et le vendre à des négociants sud-africains.
Une partie de ces creuseurs, qui travaillaient dans des conditions dangereuses, ont perdu leur gagne-pain après l’octroi de la concession minière de Sandawana à la Fédération des mineurs du Zimbabwe (ZMF).
Dans le cadre des nouvelles dispositions, seuls les mineurs artisanaux qui paient pour adhérer à la ZMF étaient autorisés à extraire du minerai à Sandawana, et le lithium être obligatoirement vendu à cet organisme destiné à mettre de l’ordre dans le secteur exploitation minière artisanale et à petite échelle.
Des creuseurs ont déclaré aux médias que le prix qu'ils obtiennent pour le minerai a chuté de 75 %.
L’implication de la ZMF dans l’exploitation de la mine n’a pas cependant amélioré les conditions de vie des mineurs artisanaux à Sandawana. Des creuseurs ont déclaré aux médias que le prix qu'ils obtiennent pour le minerai a chuté de 75 % alors que les conditions de sécurité ne se sont pas améliorées sur le site, où une dizaine de creuseurs ont été ensevelis suite à l’effondrement d’une partie de la mine.
Début 2023, des ONG locales ont fait état d’expulsions massives de creuseurs et de confiscation de leurs minerais après le rachat de la mine par des entreprises ayant des liens étroits avec le parti au pouvoir au Zimbabwe, le ZANU-PF, et l'armée, dont des sociétés qui font l'objet de sanctions de la part des États-Unis ou de l'Union européenne.
Grâce à leurs connexions politiques, les nouveaux propriétaires de la mine ont « continué à expédier des milliers de tonnes de minerais vers l’étranger » malgré l'interdiction officielle des exportations de lithium brut.
Commission anti-corruption
Le rapport révèle d’autre part que la société minière chinoise Xinfeng Investments a été accusée d'avoir versé des pots-de-vin pour acquérir la mine de lithium située près de la ville d’'Uis, en Namibie.
Des journalistes d'investigation travaillant pour le journal local The Namibian ont rapporté que Xinfeng avait obtenu la concession minière d'Uis par le biais d'un accord suspect apparemment négocié par un conseiller technique du ministre namibien des Mines.
Dans le cadre de cet accord, le conseiller du gouvernement, Ralph Muyamba, est accusé d'avoir transféré frauduleusement la propriété de la mine à une entreprise détenue par son cousin, qui l'a revendue à Xinfeng pour 2,6 millions de dollars américains. À la suite de ces révélations, M. Muyamba a démissionné de son poste et l’affaire a été transférée à la commission anti-corruption namibienne.
Alors que sa licence de prospection ne permettait pas l'exploitation minière à grande échelle, Xinfeng Investments aurait également profité d'une faille dans la législation namibienne pour développer une mine industrielle en utilisant des permis destinés aux petits exploitants miniers locaux, selon l’enquête menée par Global Wintess.
Les communautés locales et des parlementaires namibiens ont par ailleurs accusé la compagnie chinoise de loger les travailleurs dans des « conditions d'apartheid », et de détruire la faune et la flore qui générèrent des revenus liés à l'activité touristique dans la région.
En République démocratiques du Congo, les efforts visant à développer l’important gisement de lithium Manono-Kitotolo se heurtent encore à un conflit portant sur la propriété la licence minière entre AVZ Minerals, une junior minière cotée en Australie, et le conglomérat chinois Zijin Mining.
Une enquête menée en 2022 par l'Inspection générale des finances (IGF), l'organisme congolais de lutte contre la corruption, a révélé que Zijin Mining a acquis 30% des parts dans le projet Manono-Kitotolo auprès de la société minière publique La Cominière à « un prix nettement inférieur à sa vraie valeur ». L’enquête a également conclu que la compagnie chinoise aurait versé 1,6 million de dollars à un cabinet de conseil local baptisé Focus Plaidoirie à titre de « commission » dans le cadre de la transaction, tout en précisant que ce cabinet appartiendrait à Lisette Kabanga, une ancienne secrétaire adjointe chargée des relations extérieures du parti politique du président Félix Tshisekedi.
Les investigations ont aussi révélé que les transactions complexes par lesquelles AVZ Minerals a acquis une part majoritaire dans le projet minier auraient rapporté plus de 20 millions de dollars à Dathomir Mining Resources, une société-écran détenue par des hommes d’affaires congolais dont certains sont impliqués dans de précédents scandales de corruption sous le règne de l'ex-président Joseph Kabila. Cette société-écran avait pris le contrôle de la mine de lithium Manono-Kitotolo en 2016, en signant un contrat avec La Cominière en vertu duquel elle acceptait d'effectuer un paiement de 6 millions de dollars à la société minière d'État en plusieurs versements. Mais avant de devoir effectuer ce paiement, Dathomir Mining Resources a vendu sa participation à AVZ Minerals pour plus de 28 millions de dollars.
(Agence Ecofin) - La baisse des cours de brut attendue en 2025 devrait découler essentiellement des gains substantiels en matière d'efficacité énergétique et de la hausse des ventes de véhicules électriques au détriment des véhicules à moteur à combustion interne.
Le baril moyen du baril de Brent, qui sert de prix de référence pour une grande partie de la production pétrolière mondiale, devrait tourner autour de 83 dollars en 2024 avant de reculer à 75 dollars en 2025, a estimé la banque américaine JP Morgan dans un rapport publié le 21 novembre.
La prévision de prix pour 2024 découlera d’une demande « résiliente aux États-Unis, forte dans les marchés émergents et stable dans les pays européens », ont précisé les analystes de la banque.
Pour 2025, la prévision de prix se base sur les attentes de gains substantiels en matière d'efficacité énergétique et de hausse des ventes de véhicules électriques au détriment des véhicules à moteur à combustion interne, deux facteurs qui devraient engendrer une baisse de la demande de carburants.
En termes de demande globale, les analystes de JP Morgan s’attendent à une croissance de 1,9 million de barils par jour en 2023. Cette demande devrait ensuite s'affaiblir pour se situer à 1,6 million de barils par jour en 2024 et à 1 million de barils par jour seulement en 2025.
Du côté de l'offre, JP Morgan prévoit une croissance de la production de brut hors Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole (OPEP), ce qui pourrait saper les efforts du cartel pour maintenir les prix à un niveau élevé.
Dans ce contexte, les membres de l'OPEP+ (une alliance entre 13 pays membres de l’OPEP et 10 autres producteurs, dont la Russie et le Mexique) devraient continuer à réduire leur production pour tenter de soutenir les cours du baril.
(Agence Ecofin) - Le prêt qui servira à financer la fourniture, l'installation et la mise en service de l'infrastructure dorsale nationale de transmission de données marque la dépendance croissante de l’Ouganda à l'égard des bailleurs de fonds chinois.
L'Ouganda s’apprête à emprunter 150 millions de dollars auprès de la Banque chinoise d'import-export (China Eximbank) pour développer son infrastructure Internet, a annoncé le ministère des Finances, lundi 27 novembre.
« Le ministre des Finances et le ministre de l'Information et des Technologies de la Communication ont demandé aux députés d’autoriser un prêt de 150 millions de dollars auprès de la China Eximbank », a précisé le ministère sur son compte X (ex-Twitter), indiquant que les fonds serviront à « financer la fourniture, l'installation et la mise en service de l'infrastructure dorsale nationale de transmission de données ».
Cet emprunt marque la dépendance croissante de l’Ouganda à l'égard des bailleurs de fonds chinois, après la suspension par la Banque mondiale du financement de nouveaux projets dans ce pays d’Afrique de l’Est, en signe de protestation contre la promulgation d’une nouvelle loi anti-homosexualité.
Outre ce prêt, l’Ouganda a entamé des négociations avec l’agence chinoise de crédit à l’exportation SINOSURE et la China Eximbank sur un prêt destiné à financer la construction d'un oléoduc, qui servira à faciliter les exportations de brut vers les marchés internationaux.
Le président ougandais, Yoweri Museveni, a promulgué en mai dernier une loi anti-LGBT+ prévoyant de lourdes peines pour les relations homosexuelles et la « promotion » de l'homosexualité. Considérée comme l'une des plus répressives au monde, cette nouvelle législation a suscité l'indignation des organisations de défense des droits humains et de nombreux pays occidentaux.
Traduction automatique ici :
In late April 2023, investigative journalist Lee Fang published evidence showing Pfizer had financed consumer, medical and civil rights organizations that lobbied for COVID jab mandates,1,2 thereby creating the false appearance of broad support.
Special interest groups paid by Pfizer to push for mandates and other coercive vaccine policies included the Chicago Urban league (which argued the jab mandate would benefit the Black community), the National Consumers League, the Immunization Partnership, the Advertising Council and a long list of universities and cancer, cardiology, rheumatology and medical science organizations.
The coercive measures and subsequent mandates — which have since been reversed by the courts — allowed Pfizer to become the first drug company in history to break $100 billion in annual sales.
In a November 20, 2023, Unherd article3 cowritten with journalist Jack Poulson, Fang turns his attention to Moderna, detailing what Moderna is doing to control the vaccine debate and influence vaccine policy.
Just like the federal government has been working with the Stanford Internet Observatory and NewsGuard to circumvent First Amendment free speech rights,4 Moderna has been secretly working with a third party nongovernmental organization (NGO) called Public Good Projects (PGP) to monitor and censor online discussions about the COVID shots — anything that might hurt Moderna’s bottom line.
According to documents seen by Fang and Poulson, PGP works closely with social media platforms, government agencies and news websites to identify and shut down "misinformation."
"With PGP, Moderna is monitoring a huge range of mainstream outlets, as well as unconventional ones, such as the Steam online gaming community and Medium," Fang and Poulson write.
PGP has had a particularly robust influence over Twitter. Before Elon Musk bought the company, PGP had backdoor access to Twitter’s data. It also helped Twitter formulate its pandemic-related speech policies. Internal Twitter emails show PGP’s misinformation team was in frequent contact with Todd O’Boyle,5 then-director of Twitter’s public policy team.
"Their intention, as we have gleaned from the emails exchanged, was not only to combat misinformation, but also to affect the content and tenor of public debate," Fang and Poulson write.
"While PGP identified some obvious falsehoods ... many tweets flagged as misinformation were simply critical of vaccine passports and other policies designed to coerce vaccination.
Moderna’s corporate intelligence and marketing team has worked closely with PGP again this year in its bid to shape the vaccine discourse as take-up drops off a cliff.
The partnership expanded again in October with an official training program, developed by Moderna and PGP, alongside the American Board of Internal Medicine, to help healthcare workers identify medical misinformation.
The online course, called the ‘Infodemic Training Program,’ represents an official partnership between biopharma and the NGO world. But none of PGP’s recent work with Moderna is disclosed on its website or in the Infodemic Training Program."
Moderna has also retained an online monitoring company called Talkwalker that uses artificial intelligence to monitor and flag vaccine-related conversations across 150 million websites. And, as we’ve also seen with the federal government, the information flagged and/or censored on Moderna’s behalf is often factually accurate.
According to Fang and Poulson, none of the Moderna reports "makes any attempt to dispute the claims made. Rather the claims are automatically deemed ‘misinformation’ if they encourage vaccine hesitancy." They continue:6
"According to one report we have seen, Musk is deemed to be ‘high risk.’ Specifically, a Musk video that ridiculed media and government officials who claimed the Covid-19 vaccine was ‘100% effective’ against the virus.
The report did not identify any false statements, but warned that his video highlighted the fact that ‘deception by health authorities and health care providers during the pandemic’ would ‘lay the groundwork to sow distrust in credible sources on vaccine safety and effectiveness."
Basically, Moderna accurately points out that when health authorities lie and deceive, people stop trusting them. The answer Moderna comes up with, however, is not to quit lying and deceiving. Rather, it’s to bury those who point out that we’ve been lied to and deceived. That way, the liars can continue to deceive and still be held up as paragons of credibility.
What’s so particularly disturbing about this whole COVID jab debacle is that our government and health authorities deceived us in order to benefit Big Pharma. As Aaron Kheriaty, a bioethicist and fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, told Fang and Poulson:7
"What often flies under the banner of combating disinformation is ... nothing but corporate public relations, trying to spin public narratives in directions favorable to the corporation’s interests.
Does anyone really want to live under a regime where their social media feed is essentially curated by government or by multinational corporate interests that stand to profit, influencing opinion on these issues?"
Email correspondence also shows Moderna provided a network of 45,000 health care professionals with talking points and "advice on how to respond when vaccine misinformation goes mainstream."8 Meanwhile, no one has been keeping health care workers abreast on the latest data on COVID jab-related injuries and deaths, not even our public health agencies.
On the contrary, both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been caught hiding, manipulating and lying about those data, which when viewed with a clear eye show the COVID shots are the most dangerous medical products ever released to the public.
Moderna’s information control network also includes an internal "global intelligence" division, run by Nikki Rutman, whose CV9 includes 19 years as an intelligence analyst for the FBI and other intel agencies. She’s also served as an adviser on terrorism to the director of National Intelligence, and as a counterintelligence analyst for the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Rutman joined Moderna in March 2022. During Operation Warp Speed, she worked at the FBI’s Boston office, which held weekly "cybersecurity" meetings with Moderna. Other former law enforcement agents have also joined the vaccine maker in the wake of Operation Warp Speed. As noted by Fang and Poulson:10
"The involvement of former law enforcement reflects a wider trend in the misinformation-space, as the Department of Homeland Security and FBI have increasingly leaned on social media platforms to shape content decisions as a national security issue."
Indeed, factually stating that the COVID shots have serious side effects and are killing people now earns you the label of "domestic terrorist," simply because such statements might make someone else think twice about getting the jab, and getting everyone injected is a top "national security" concern.
The whole thing is ludicrous, considering COVID-19 has a lethality on par with or lower than the seasonal influenza. There’s no medically valid reason to inject every man, woman and child, nor are there any valid national security reasons to do so since COVID-19 doesn’t have the ability to decimate the American population. On the contrary, the shots are doing that and most people can now see it.
However, even though COVID booster uptake has dropped into the low single digits and childhood vaccine exceptions are at an all-time high,11 indicating there’s a growing resistance to the entire concept of vaccinations, Moderna is not letting up.
Instead, it’s "ratcheting up its surveillance operation," according to Fang and Poulson. Its primary interest now is "anything relating to policies designed to coerce vaccination." For example, documents show Moderna is tracking elected officials who object to vaccine mandates, as well as new laws that restrict vaccine mandates. Fang and Poulson write:12
"‘Politicians attempting to ban COVID-19 mandates — or at least claiming to — signals growing resistance to COVID-19 mitigations,’ reads one of the Moderna alerts. Given the company avoided publicly commenting on the mandate debate, this is revelatory ...
[D]espite the growing backlash against social media censorship, the network of fact-checking nonprofits has grown at an industrial pace, providing opaque opportunities for private and public interests to take subtle control over the public discourse.
Such sophistication in blending public-health messaging and corporate advertising should concern anyone with an interest in how government controls free speech. ‘This is an interesting peek behind the disinformation industry, what it actually does,’ said Kheriaty, the bioethicist.
‘It’s about controlling a narrative, controlling the flow of information, controlling how people think about public policy, like the vaccine mandate, and how people think about a particular product that a corporation is profiting from,’ he added. ‘It’s deeply disturbing.’"
Big Pharma is also manipulating and censoring public discourse via another third party — the PR firm Publicis. The Publicis Groupe is one of the world’s largest communications groups.13 It represents most major drug companies and tech firms. Publicis is a partner14 of and the largest corporate investor in NewsGuard,15 which rates websites on criteria of credibility and trustworthiness, ostensibly to guide viewers to the "most reliable" sources of news and information.
NewsGuard has influential connections to The Paley Center for Media, which is composed of every major media in the world.16 NewsGuard is also partnered with the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Department of Defense and the World Health Organization.17
Publicis, meanwhile, is partnered with Google,18,19 which allows it the ability to bury undesirable views that might hurt its clientele, and the World Economic Forum (WEF)20 that is leading the call for a "reset" of the global economy and a complete overhaul of our way of life.21
One of NewsGuard’s CEOs, Louis Gordon Crovitz, is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), yet another key player behind The Great Reset. Since its inception, the CFR’s goal has been to undermine U.S. sovereignty and national independence to usher in an all-powerful one-world government.
Over time, it’s become quite clear that NewsGuard’s role in The Great Reset is not only to barricade unpopular truth and differences of opinion behind closed gates, but also to force alternative media out of business. They do that by rating sites as "fake news" and drying up ad revenue by putting them on the BrandGuard exclusion list that Publicis shares with all its advertising clients.22,23
Publishers such as myself, who are critical of the drug industry, have a particularly large target on our backs, even when the information we share is backed up by published research and expert analyses.
The fact that NewsGuard is funded by Publicis makes its low ratings of alternative health sites highly suspect. Basically, Publicis is using NewsGuard to blacklist competitors to Big Pharma (its clients) with the intent to bankrupt them. Conversely, NewsGuard props up those willing to unquestioningly regurgitate drug industry PR.
WebMD is but one example. In February 2021, WebMD and Medscape (a division of WebMD Health Corp.) joined HealthGuard’s VaxFacts campaign "to identify and counter misleading vaccine information."24
HealthGuard is the health- and medicine-specific version of NewsGuard.25 It makes you wonder how much Publicis might be paying WebMD — one of the largest health websites in the world — to "guard you" from anyone with a differing opinion about how to get and stay healthy.
The sad reality is that those who disagree with the mainstream narrative have now become "terrorists" that must be eradicated, lest the plan for the global technocracy’s control over the population — body, mind and soul — get pushed off-track by an unwilling public.
The answer to this situation is transparency. We must expose the machinations that allow this agenda to be pushed forward. Part of that exposure is looking at the role big PR companies like Publicis play in this scheme.
Another part is exposing how the censorship industry is being restructured into a "middleware model" where "content curation" (censorship) is simply outsourced to third-party organizations. This way, a "legal" disinformation compliance market is created while governments and big industries alike can claim they have nothing to do with the control of information.
As previously reported, what we’re looking at is the emergence of organized corporate censorship where artificial intelligence will scour the internet for undesirable views, down to the least-read blog.26 Soon, the internet will be completely homogenized, and you simply won’t be able to find information that conflicts with or provides any nuance to the official narrative on a given topic.
To have any chance of thwarting this plan, we must continue to push back against any and all efforts to legalize, standardize and normalize censorship. To vocally object, to refuse using middleware like NewsGuard, and to boycott any company or organization that uses middleware or engages in censorship of any kind.