dimanche 20 octobre 2019

Trump’s Advisor: Poroshenko and Lutsenko Stole $1.5 Billion (Ukraine)

The American businessman of Ukrainian origin and adviser to the President of the United States Sam Kislin said that the funds received during the special budget from the entourage of Viktor Yanukovych were illegally divided between the representatives of the authorities during the presidency of Petro Poroshenko.
“Allegedly Poroshenko and Lutsenko arrested (carried out a special confiscation – ed) $1.5 billion of Yanukovych’s money… I tell you how it was, Yanukovych money wasn’t there. They came, arrested the money of other people, not Yanukovych,” said Kislin at a press conference in Kiev.
According to him, the money was seized from the bank allegedly for the state budget, but this is not true.
According to Kislin, referring to the documents available to him, $503 million was transferred in favour of Poroshenko through the former first deputy secretary of the NSDC Oleg Gladkovsky, who previously bore the surname Svinarchuk.
Another 300 million was transferred to the former Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko, and 20 million – to “corruption accounts” of the former secretary of the NSDC Aleksandr Turchynov, added Kislin.
After the state coup in Ukraine in February 2014, the authorities during Poroshenko’s presidency wanted to hold Yanukovych and many former officials accountable. Criminal cases are being investigated against them, including for theft of public funds, financial fraud, seizure of land, and abuse of authority. Many former leaders of the country were forced to travel abroad because of the threat of political persecution.
Earlier, Lutsenko repeatedly stated that Yanukovych allegedly “stole $40 billion from Ukraine”, which is comparable to the country’s annual budget. In addition, the Prosecutor General last year reported that the department managed through the court to seek special confiscation to the state budget of $1.5 billion arrested from the accounts of companies controlled by the former President. In February, the Prosecutor General’s Office announced the special confiscation of almost 1.5 billion hryvnia ($54.5 million) belonging to Yanukovych’s entourage.

RIA Novosti

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